Human resource functions in an organization include everything that has to do with ‘people’, i.e., their recruitment, induction, retention, welfare, appraisal, growth, training, skill development, attitudinal-orientation, compensation, motivation, ect.
Aspects at work that bring satisfaction
Good preparation - having a clear idea of what the day involves
Interacting in good conversation
Solving problems helping him to overcome obsticles to help him understand different aspects that may be hard for him to understand
Spontanious days out - being involved with the planning of the day
Pay - adequacy of pay
Aspects of work that do not bring satisfaction
Same activities over and over again
Unorganised days out
I read that the motivation to investigate the degree of job satisfaction arises from the fact that a better understanding of employee satisfaction is desirable to achieve a higher level of motivation that is directly associated with patient satisfaction.
Schermerhorn define job satisfaction as the degree to which individuals feel positive or negative about their jobs. It is an attitude or emotional response to one's tasks as well as to the physical and social conditions of the workplace. Job satisfaction is motivational and leads to positive employment relationships and high levels of individual job performance.
Job satisfaction can be considered as a global feeling about the job or as a related constellation of attitudes about various aspects or facets of the job. The global approach and the facet approach can be used to get a complete picture of employees’ job satisfaction.