EV304 404
The Word of Hospitably 2013
Lecturer: Ms. Sofia Rodrigues Date: 23th May 2013
PGDEM Yicheng (Jason) Wang wayi150590
Report Purpose
In this report, the author will be writing about evaluation of service department in the world of hospitably event. Then the author will compare with organization and operation to evaluate service department to state whether event is successful for service department. In addition, the report will show challenges and difficult during the event, and from these experience get how can improve quality of service in future. What is the key of successful service?
Background information
Many organizations plan events yearly or for special occasions, such as anniversaries or for holidays. These events may be highly successful or they could turn out as a flop when it comes to meeting the goal for holding the event. Appropriate planning and decision-making can often determine event success. To aid in the success of future events, there are 5 W (what, when, where, who, why) to consider when planning an event. (E-zine, 2008)
The world of hospitably event is a big event that organized by PGDEM and 3rd year of SHMS students in Leysin. The SHMS is a hospitably school, and their students major are hospitably of different program. This year the world of hospitably event theme is different culture in different countries; the guest can feel to go to different countries and eat different kings of food. The event date was 12th May 2013 and the venue was SHMS Leysin champ of Mont- Blanc Palace. The guests had almost 500 with different levels in there. They were local people in Leysin and some restaurant or hotel manager from different city, and also had some school leader.
From planning to shut down, the whole event organize by manager of school, some teacher and students. The main director is MS. Sofia
References: 1). E-zine (2008) Planning Corporate Events Using the 5 W 's Available at: http://ezinearticles.com/?Planning-Corporate-Events-Using-the-5-Ws&id=1643694 (accessed at 22th April 2013) 2). Businessdictionary.com (2004) teamwork Available at: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/teamwork.html (accessed at 23th May 2013)