In order to maintain accuracy and limit presumption, Wikipedia chose to provide actual examples of affirmative action cases across the globe followed by the effects it caused. This produces a more statistical and trusted analysis, removing any accusations of biased material. Additionally, Wikipedia took a general informative position on affirmative action, utilizing facts, timestamps, and location to structure the article. From a chronological and objective standpoint, Wikipedia is the prominent source. It allows readers to form a stronger understanding on the topic …show more content…
As for the underlying tenor, Wikipedia certainly reflects affirmative action in a positive manner in comparison to SEP, which has several sections about the controversy and legality of the programs. To support this claim, observe the opening statement in the historical portion of the article, titled “Origins” in Wikipedia and “In the Beginning” in SPE: Wikipedia states, “The term ‘affirmative action’ was first used in the United States in Executive Order 10925 and was signed by President John F. Kennedy on 6 March 1961,” while SPE negatively mentions, “In 1972, affirmative action became an inflammatory public issue.” Similar remarks continue throughout the encyclopedias. However, Wikipedia’s coverage of this topic is more restricted. In terms of inclusiveness and granularity, SPE contains more examination, details, and critical reasoning on the issue of affirmative action. From the beginning, SPE present the readers with quotes and questions to stimulate analytical and personal thinking, giving them a broader perspective of the pros and cons involved in such policies. For instance, SPE poses the questions, “But what did this 1965 mandate to?” along with, “In face of the plain language of Titles VI and VII, how did preferential hiring and promotion ever arise in the first place? How could they be justified legally?” which evokes certain answers and opinions, therefore, yielding subjective and influenced content. On a legal