
Examples Of Attachment Styles

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Examples Of Attachment Styles
Attachment styles are the next concept that can influence a student’s identity. Attachment styles illustrate how a child’s primary caregiver has a direct influence on the development of a teen. There was a variety of differences in the student’s parents; some were dead, incarcerated or uninvolved in their lives. One of the students looked similar to his brother who was locked up in juvenile hall; and his mother would not even look him in the eyes because she would get depressed and nearly start crying. With most of their parents uninvolved in their lives, the young teens were allowed to spend time with their peers which was a gateway for committing crimes and getting in trouble. One example, why the students would act disobedient to Mrs. Gruwell was when she had parent …show more content…
Particular experiences and events that cause relationships to become more or less intimate. The most powerful turning point in the film is when the class finished The Diary of Anne Frank. The class was so empowered by the novel that they wanted to meet Miep Gies (the lady who allowed the Franks to hide in her basement.) This experience gave all of Mrs. Gruwell’s class hope to be better individuals and make better life choices. Another positive turning point in the film is when Mrs. Gruwell did everything that she could to teach her class for their junior and senior year as well. In the end she was cleared to teach her class for all four of their high school years. Turning points can also be negative such as; when Eva goes to court and tells the judge the truth that her father is not guilty and that someone else is. The person that she ratted out was part of the Mexican gang and they jumped her. This had less effect on the relationship with Eva and Mrs. Gruwell, but she still found out and was concerned with her safety. Turning points can make the bond in a relationship stronger and allowed people to connect in a deeper

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