Disrespect has been a problem for many decades. …show more content…
The staff also shows disrespect back to us. Some teachers think they need to watch everything little move we do. Others think they need to show power over us at all times, and some don’t even teach us anything. The teachers that don’t teach; I think of disrespectful because you are taking away my learning. I had a teacher that would never teach he would just have us do everything online. He would sit at his desk, and did whatever he did. It was great for the first week when I was playing my Tetris online, but after that I was falling behind. I started to the the worksheets online simply to figure out I didn’t know how to do most of them. I would go and ask a question to him, but most the of the time he did not know the answer either. After a while in the class my grade was not as good as the first semester. I started to do bad in this new setting because the teacher did not really guide us on how things were suppose to be done. He just expected the work to be done. I did not know what to do anymore because I was used to getting good grades in school, and my parents are very despiteful towards bad grades. I decided I need to put in extra work than what I was doing before. I was studying after school and I was talking to friends about what the material was. I tried to get the best understanding I could on the material. All of this extra work help, but only did so much for my understanding. I felt disrespected as a student; I also felt like I wasn't good enough as a student. The teacher went on to teach the whole semester this way. I got through the semester with a decent grade, but nothing to extravagant. He must of thought sense no one was coming up to talk to him that everyone was understanding everything. I thought that teacher was a lazy teacher, and I also thought he was disrespecting his students by depriving us of our