Learning Team C
Louis Lough
University of Phoenix
Communications Plan
Fast Lane Raceway
Mission Statement
Fast Lane Raceway’s mission is to provide a fast, safe, and challenging race track for track cars and motorcycles. To provide secure climate controlled storage of vehicles, lodging, and comfortable club house facilities for customers and club members. By designing a two and a half mile road course including 12 turns with elevation changes on perfectly maintained pavement, Fast Lane Raceway will cater to the even the most advanced and devout racing enthusiast down to the newest rider or drivers looking for a safe environment learn. Offering club memberships with discounts, supporting …show more content…
local car and motorcycle racing organizations, and putting customer safety first will place Fast Lane Raceway above the competition in the eyes of our customers.
Vision Statement
The vision statement for Fast Lane Raceway is: To provide a raceway unmatched in quality, racing development skills, and facilities.
The goals of Fast Lane Raceway are to meet all objectives and become a profitable competitive business in the racing environment.
• Complete construction of registration and classroom building with fully functional locker rooms prior to the predetermined opening date. • Maximize secured land for a fast and technical track with several elevation changes. • Find racing and driving organizations in the area to contract with to ensure monthly business prior to opening and after.
• Begin construction of paddocks and vehicle storage facilities within the first year of operating. • Secure a spot on the circuit of tracks for racing organizations in the region.
Communications Template
|Deliverable/Description |Type |Target Audience(s) |Delivery Method |Delivery Frequency |Who Responsible? |
| |(Man/Mktg/ Info) | | | | |
|Construction Timeline |Mandatory |Fast Lane Raceway |Email |Weekly |Site Manager |
| | |management | | | |
|Track Design |Mandatory |Fast Lane Raceway |Blueprints and design |One Time |Contracted Track |
| | | | | |Designer
|Advertisement Flyers |Marketing |Local motorcycle |Flyers |Replenished in |Fast Lane Raceway staff |
|Listing scheduled track days and | |riders and drivers. | |locations monthly. | |
|general information about the new | | | | | |
|business and services provided to | | | | | |
|riders and drivers. | | | | | |
|Sponsorship |Info |Local rider and driver|In person and telephone|Annually |Fast Lane Raceway |
|Gain sponsorship from local driver| |organizations. |discussions. | |management |
|and rider organizations. | | | | | |
Communications Plan