| |Physical Development |Communication and intellectual development |Social, emotional and behavioural development |
|0 - 3 years |Fast development |Adults communicate with children from birth |Find their identity |
| |Fine motor skills: |Require stimulation and attention as they are always |Form a strong attachment with parent / carers / key workers |
| |Drawing, page turner, using a knife & fork, threading |listening …show more content…
| | | |Respond well to responsibility |
|7 - 12 years |Refining gross motor skills |Fluent speaking |Settled friendships |
| |Selecting hobbies / interests like sport & dance |Refining reading and writing skills |Have a small group of friends |
| |Very controlled fine motor movements like musical instruments & |Discuss own ideas and thoughts |Solves problems |
| |sewing |Develop preferences and thoughts |Independent activities |
| |Girls will show early signs of puberty | |Needs praise and encouragement …show more content…
| | | |Self conscious |
|12 - 16 years |Adolescence |Clear idea about their favourite subjects and activities |Vulnerable self esteem |
| |Strength – children will be growing stronger |Motivated by these areas |Needs adult guidance |
| |Most girls will have completed puberty |Lacks confidence by things they are not interested in |Spends lots of time with peers |
| |Most boys will be going through puberty |Need to feel like they belong |Under pressure – growing up / expectations |
| | | |Unsure of how to behave, may show childish behaviour