So where did Yoga originate?
Yoga is a form of art created 5,000 years ago to synchronize the system of the mind, body, and spirit. The word yoga means “union” in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. (Yoga Online) We can think of the “union” occurring between the mind, body and spirit. Yoga can also be effectively explained by the Sanskrit word “asana”, which refers to the practice of physical postures or poses. Although yoga was originally created in ancient India, multitudes of people in modern times practice this form of art for that connection with the mind, body, and spirit.
What are the benefits?
We use the practice of yoga in modern times to get a good workout, but also to feel relaxed after a stressful day maybe from work, school, or home. Practicing yoga for a long period of time will lead to a sense of peace and well-being, and also having a connected feeling with the environment. There are definitely some health benefits when people are practicing yoga. The practice of yoga makes the body strong and flexible; it also improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems. Think of yoga as being the tools to readjust and rebalance your body on a systematic basis. You will find that your chance for injuries will decrease because your body is in a much more attuned state than it was before practicing yoga. Even though for most healthy people yoga is a safe non-aerobic form of exercise, it is not without its risks.
Should I be careful?
According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the yoga injuries most commonly treated in emergency rooms involve “overstretching and strain from repetition to the neck, shoulders, spine, legs, and knees.” (Andrew Seibert) Certain poses can cause a risk of injury if you have severe osteoporosis, high or low blood pressure, ear problems, problems with your spine, and pregnancy. Be aware of your conditions, and consult with a yoga instructor