March 3, 2010
Table of Contents Page
Statement of Purposes 1
Statement of Outcomes 2
Personal Strengths and Weakness identified in Organizational/Social Politics, and Networking 3
Personal Strengths and Weakness used in various forms of power, in navigating social politics and social networking 4
External Resources Required to Achieve Personal Goals 5
Personal Assumptions Regarding Potential Outcomes of the External Organizational politics and social networks 6
Time-Action Plan: Self Analysis for Achieving Personal Purpose 7
Mentor’s Guide 8
Statement of Purposes
The goal in becoming a successful leader within an organization or social group is to first have the desires and commitment to develop the key knowledge, skills and abilities to motivate people to give all of their efforts to a cause. However, such an individual to have this kind of influence over people as a leader must establish personal purposes or goals that can be supported by others in order to successfully achieve their purpose. This may be a true statement for some individuals, but not for all. For, potential leaders such as myself who inspire confidence, trust through my character and definitely tries to do right by others, is always seeking to enhance my personality traits as a professional individual, so that the personal power in becoming a leader within an organization if employed, or a leader in a social group will be more effective.
The best way to become such a successful leader within an organization if employed or a leader within a social group would be to know yourself and your own abilities first in order to perform effectively. Therefore, my purpose as a leader is to be able to provide and demonstrate a positive approach toward the decision making; always be prepare with the right