If you never heard of this horrible event took it place on December 14th, when armed gunman Adam Lanza allegedly shot and killed twenty-six people , twenty of which were innocent children kindergarten to first grade and six teachers. Police also say that Adam was thought to have killed his mother before even entering this school. Sandy Hook is a well populated school with approximately 700 students. The school has a security system in which you have to be buzzed into the school, but apparently this wasn’t enough. The gunman forced entry, shooting out the locked door upon entrance, the door was shot out with an “assault rifle” such as a bushmaster rifle. Also the other guns found on the scene of the crime were a glock handgun and also sig-sauer handgun.(Sandy Hook shooting: What happened?). Now this is where it starts to get interesting. Some places you look for information on this topic you have multiple versions like any other story, but in my opinion the stories are more and more twisted even as time goes on, but your opinion is all that matters, and with that being said there are two videos I do believe you should watch.
The first video is from a video made by someone who believes that the Sandy hook massacre was a conspiracy. Several theories aroused during the time of this tragic incident. Apparently the government planned this event with many crisis actors. If you watch this video it will have you wondering as well, where were all these people who said they were there, where was there so much chaos in the parking lot, not leaving law enforcement space to come and go if need be. One news station was saying that there were four weapons found but one used and that weapon was found outside? Found outside,