Many teachers are faced with the difficult task of managing their student’s behavior. Even if we…
“To provide the best learning environment for their students, teachers need to have good classroom management skills” (Pass, 2007). For teachers to be effective in their role they need to have in place different models of behaviour management. Behaviour management is important not only for the teacher to be able to teach but also so that all students are in an environment that they can learn and feel safe (Cope, 2005). There are three main theories when it comes to discipline and behaviour they are Management Theories, Leadership Theories and Non-directive Intervention Theories. Discipline and management theories can vary in approach, some expect the teacher to develop a better understanding of their students on a personal level, in a way in which they may find out the underlying cause to the students…
“Classroom management should be designed to reflect behavioral expectations and create an atmosphere in which student self-esteem can flourish (Canter, 1992). Educators have the right to maintain optimal learning in an environment free of disruption. Students also have rights as learners to learn in an appropriate environment free of bias and disruptions. In the past, the term discipline has been used to refer to classroom management, but it implied a negative connotation that is equated with punishment. Instead, it should address their future decisions. According…
Maya Angelou once said “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” While Angelou was not simply talking about teacher and student relationships, I think that this quote follows my philosophy on classroom management very closely. I believe that as a teacher, it is crucial to have a system of positive motivation in the classroom. There are two main parts to my classroom management philosophy, one that clearly shows how discipline works in my classroom, and the other that clearly shows how everything else will work in the classroom interpersonally. The Discipline with Dignity approach aligns closely with my belief that if a teacher gets to know students as people, there will be fewer…
Looking at behaviour management within the classroom has shown that there are many academic theories. These include Geoff Petty, Susan Wallace and Dave Vizzard to name a few. By using these theorists books and additional internet sources it will give me the opportunity to review my own practice, ways to adapt my practice and ways to set ground rules for behaviour.…
• positive strategies for managing students behaviour this will then help students understand their school’s…
Classroom management is the key to a successful school year for both the teacher and the students. I have read about various methods, techniques, and disciplines useful in establishing a solid foundation for student cooperation and participation. I wholeheartedly understand that I cannot control another person’s thoughts, feelings, and/or actions. However, I do believe I am capable of establishing a healthy rapport with administration, co-workers, parents, and students that will allow me to obtain my desired goals for student achievement. I believe successful classroom management is developed based on the proper mixture of being prepared, respectful, hopeful, encouraging, structured and disciplined. These are a few of the characteristics of successful educators. My goal is to learn how to acquire, maintain and provide these elements consistently without bias. In order to do this I will need to understand and be able to utilize the legal and ethical rights of an educator. As well as understanding and coping with the legal and ethical rights of students and parents.…
I strongly feel as though I learnt a great deal from my observations during my Key Stage 2 placement. There are certain things which I wish to take forward into my own teaching practice. The experience certainly helped me to eradicate a feeling of cognitive dissonance. It was interesting observing a wide variety of classes throughout Key Stage 2 as it gave me an opportunity to observe a variety of different teaching styles and behaviour management techniques. I was keen to focus on how teachers dealt with behaviour management issues as this is something I was very apprehensive about. Effective teaching and learning can’t exist without effective behaviour management.…
As the name suggests, the teacher controls students in an assertive manner as classroom leader. Central to Assertive Discipline is the principle that students require definitive rules and structure to control behaviours and an authoritative teacher to ensure compliance (Lyons et al., 2014). In the Assertive Discipline classroom the teacher is responsible for providing students with explicit teaching of rules, and the positive and negative consequences that apply to obedience or misbehaviour (Lyons et al., 2014). Consequences for noncompliance are set based on a “discipline hierarchy” (Charles, 2013, p. 43) where the ramifications of misbehaviour increase with each…
A classroom is a very dynamic and spontaneous place. Every classroom is comprised of a diverse combination of individuals who all contribute to the unpredictable nature and uniqueness of the class. The reality that no two students are alike and no two classes are ever alike, contributes greatly to the difficulty of establishing a realistic and effective classroom management plan. It is important that teachers realize that a classroom is an unpredictable place and that it is much more reasonable to strive to manage their classroom as opposed to trying to control it. I see my role as a managing teacher as guiding my students through their learning as they explore and discover what works best for them, instead of dictating how they will do things. It is also important that teachers are aware of the great number of theories that exist in regards to classroom and more specifically, behaviour management. I believe that it is detrimental for a teacher to adopt one philosophy without ever considering the numerous other possibilities. In my opinion all of the theorists have a number of positive ideas that can be introduced into the classroom in order to create an optimal learning environment. In developing my philosophy on teaching and learning I have incorporated the philosophies of Jones, Rogers and Gootman.…
A well-managed classroom can provide an exciting and dynamic experience for everyone involved”(Adeyemo, 2012). Good classroom management is not only the cooperation of the students minimizing the misconduct, but the teacher is able to intervene effectively and that more academics are occurring and less misconduct due to the classroom management system designed to maximize student engagement in activities. “Many times, by encouraging behavior that is more positive and uplifting in one classroom, the behavior will carry on into other classrooms, taking the safe environment further than one classroom” (Adeyemo, 2012). Having a safe, positive, nurturing learning environment affects students emotional and social outcomes as well as their achievements. “When teachers do not tolerate disrespect both among students and between the students and teacher, they set the standard for their classroom and students feel more encouraged to participate and take risks in the classroom” (Adeyemo, 2012). This is the reason classroom environment is just as important as establishing classroom management…
I chose this area to focus on because, as a student teacher on a teaching placement, behaviour in schools is one of my biggest concerns and also because, according to the Elton Report and other literature I have read, it appears that this is a major area of concern throughout secondary schools in the UK.…
Oliver, R. M., Wehby, J. H., Reschly, D. J., & Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. (2011). Teacher Classroom Management Practices: Effects on Disruptive or Aggressive Student Behavior. Society For Research On Educational Effectiveness…
Richard F. Daley and Sally J. Daley Organic Chemistry Chapter 2 Introduction to Organic Nomenclature and Functional Groups 2.1 Drawing Organic Structures 73 2.2 Alkanes 77 2.3 Structural Isomerism 77 2.4 IUPAC Nomenclature 79 2.5 Naming Alkanes 80 2.6 Naming Cycloalkanes 87 2.7 Naming Complex Alkyl Groups 2.8 Functional Groups 97 2.9 Naming Alkenes and Alkynes 2.10 Naming Alkenes, Part II 108 2.11 Arenes 109 2.12 Organohalogens 113 2.13 Using Molecular Formulas 115 Key Ideas from Chapter 2 117 91 100 Organic Chemistry - Ch 2 70 Daley & Daley Copyright 1996-2005 by Richard F. Daley & Sally J. Daley…
A country is deemed to be developing or developed mainly on the basis of economics, per capita income, industrialization, literacy rate, living standards etc. A developed country has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less developed nations.…