Fashionista is an upscale women's clothing boutique that will open in October this year. Fashionista's clothing selections and exclusive personal style services include a detailed Style Assessment, which will ensure that our customers are well dressed. It is a woman-owned business, currently organized as a Sole Proprietorship.
Clothing for stylish women
It will carry Ready-to-Wear (RTW) designer and casual/contemporary apparel & accessories for women, and will be the exclusive U.S. home of the German line, Herr Frau.
• To provide women with a boutique that offers a comfortable and approachable environment
• To showcase quality, well-constructed fashions from prominent and cutting-edge designers
• To offer a variety of beautiful and high-end fashion accessories
• To help women learn what clothing and styles go best with their unique personalities
• To generate buzz and sales through top-notch exclusive services
Keys to Success
1. Having a good location in a high-shopping area
2. Quality product and good relationships with vendors
3. Outstanding customer service
• To turn inventory five times and to maintain profit margins at 15-20% through close attention to expenses and cost of goods sold
• To drive awareness and build sales through mentions in both local print and the nation's top fashion magazines
Fashionista is an upscale women's clothing boutique that intends to open at Prahladnagar in Ahmedabad in October. It carries beautiful designer labels for professional women, such as the sophisticated silhouettes of Herr Frau and luxurious handbags.
Start-up Summary
This business plan will be used for three purposes:
• To map out all the necessary components to create a successful and well-run boutique
• To provide management with a blueprint to follow
• To secure financing through private institutions and investors