Dr. Nelson
PSY 3310.001
Observation of 8 Years Old Female Child
The observed child is given a pseudonym in order to remain anonymous. She will be addressed as Lizzy in this paper. Lizzy is a 9 years old child who is part of a typical, traditional middle-class family I visited her while she was conversing with her best friend. She has no prior knowledge of me. Some degree of deception is involved in this observation as I lied about what I will observe; I said I will observe her house, not her actions. The deception was a critical effort to keep the results accurate. I feared she will act differently if she knew I was observing her. Afterall, all deception was undone after the observation, and I asked for her asent again. I informed Lizzy’s parents prior to the observation without any deception, and they provided parental consents. Lizzy was the only person deceived during the observation, and Lizzy’s friend and cousin were unaware of my observation. They were not informed since they were not being observed. Moreover, the observation highlights two domains of development: physical and social.
Physical Development
First, physical development stood out to me as I observed Lizzy’s very fit body. I became …show more content…
Her actions support the facts I have learned from the child development course. Physically active children do remain physically healthy and not obese (Nelson, lecture). In addition, older child does not solely depend on herself in order to manage stress. Instead, she reaches out for alternative way available to her(Nelson, lecture). Furthermore, female children do take more time to adjust themselves to newcomer and allow newcomer adjust to them (Nelson, lecture). I would love to observe Lizzy or other children in different contexts, because automatically applying my knowledge to real-world situations is very interesting and entertaining to