Acknowledgement of the Student
It is with real pleasure that, I record my indebtedness to my academic Guide, Prof. Mr_________________ for his counsel and guidance during the preparation of this project. My thanks are due to (those who have helped in collecting data or analysis or typesetting etc.)
Signature of the Student________________
Place: Name:
Certified that this Project on Foreign Direct Investment is a work done by MISS ___________________ during the period of her study under my guidance, and that the project has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or similar other titles and that it is an independent work done by her.
Place: AMRITSAR Date:
Chapter Content Page NO
Acknowledgement I
1. Introduction: 7 i. Need for the Study of Foreign Direct Investment. ii. Objectives of the Study. iii. FDI in India. iv. Review of Literature v. Limitations of the Study
2. Sample ,Sources &Methodology 67
3. Analysis and Discussion 71
4. Findings, Conclusion and Suggestions for further Research 76
FDI or Foreign Direct Investment is any form of investment that earns
Interest in enterprises which function outside of the domestic territory of the
FDIs require a business relationship between a parent company and its foreign subsidiary. Foreign direct business relationships give rise to multinational corporations. For an investment to be regarded as an FDI, the parent firm needs to have at least