Class isn’t An Indicator of One’s Smarts Have you ever considered the status of your family somewhat low? And in order to create a better life for those who took care of you and yourself is to get into a decent college? This is when the question, should lower-class individuals be given free college tuition to further their education? Comes in. My position on this topic is that they should most definitely give lower-class students free college tuition based on their commitment to school in general. They should NOT deny access to higher education based on socioeconomic status. One’s class background does not determine one’s intelligence in anyway. What is class? What is the meaning of that debatable question? …show more content…
A huge problem working-class students face in college is that they’re not able to afford college tuition for up to four or more years, and eventually end up dropping out of school. With college tuition becoming free for those who struggle financially, components such as graduation rates increase. This is only the beginning if college tuition is taken out of the picture, we would notice that more people would attend college. With more people being able to attend college, society would be more educated and everyone would have learned thinking skills. The advantages if this law ever passed would allow a diverse community when it comes to majors. Not everyone would be studying for majors that would produce the most income, but go for a major they actually enjoy personally themselves instead of mainstream ones. Finally, if the idea of free college tuition is agreed among the government, student loans wouldn’t have to be such a burden after graduation. The reason for that is because so they won’t go broke after finishing college and have money to spare. In conclusion, college tuition should be free or maybe shouldn’t exist at all. Whatever class you are doesn’t mark your intellect, intelligence, smarts, or wisdom in any sense. Once college tuitions vanish, people are given much more opportunities in their lives, it isn’t those who are able to pay anymore. There may be a few deficient outcomes when it comes to this idea, but let’s look at the bigger picture. There would be many more efficient outcomes to bring the mass of disadvantages on a scale