Ms. R.GOMATHI MBA., M.Phil, Asst.Prof, SURYA Engineering College, Erode
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Mr. S.KISHORE, I MBA SURYA Engineering College, Erode
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Entrepreneurs are people who do things, which are not generally done in the ordinary course of a business. It is not surprising that every fortune 500 Enterprise in existence is the result of an entrepreneur 's enterprise and perseverance. Entrepreneurs, according to Karl Vasper, are pillars of industrial strength –the movers and shakers who constructively disrupt status quo.
Entrepreneurs are the driving forces behind any economy. They create large corporations out of backyard enterprises. Henry ford, Irving Berlins, Bill Gates, King Gillette and Rose Perot were people who envisioned a dream and took risk to achieve this Dream. They marched to a different beat. They were innovators, inventors, and adventurers. Entrepreneurship is a social phenomenon and it is not inherent within a person, rather it exists in the interaction between people. To be a successful Entrepreneur it requires practicing as a manager by acquiring various skills and efforts in learning to understand a business. Entrepreneurship is the future of the modern society. It reflects a ray of hope for the unemployed to earn a living and maintain a dignified life and also for the economic development of the country. The present paper focuses mainly on the dual aspect of Economic Development and how entrepreneurship can improve the status of women in the Indian Society.
Ms. R.GOMATHI MBA., M.Phil, Asst.Prof, SURYA Engineering College, Erode
E-mail id: Mobile. No: 9443285285
Mr. S.KISHORE, I MBA SURYA Engineering College, Erode
E-mail id: Mobile. No: 9976723215
Why is the country that has such a strong knowledge advantage lagging behind others in overall economic
References: Agarwal. B. On Behalf of Feminist Economics. Sen., A. (1983)"Development which way to go? The Economic Journal93 (December), 745-762 4P 's Business and Marketing" The Entrepreneur 's Day out (31 March-13 April)-109-110 "Women in Human Resource Development" a technical paper prepared for the APEC ministerial meeting on women. "Innovation is the creation of the new or the re-arranging of the old in a new way." Michael Vance