c. As a 920B Supply System Technician, I was involved in several kinds of meetings preparing the PRARNG for GCSS-Army. As a federal employee, my preparation for this program has been focused on Maintenance, rather than on supply. In this paper, I will describe how my career has been affected in both, …show more content…
One of the first things that affected me when GCSS-A was implemented, was the approval of roles for those who do not work directly in the Supply Support Activity (SSA). At the beginning of the implementation, other than the warehouse employees, 920Bs were denied with access to the system. This caused us the inability to train with the program. This statement is still true today. The GCSS-A transition period was affected by cuts in our budget. Training was approved only for permanent staff, and the areas directly related. As a result, the training I had acquired was related to Maintenance, other than "Supply". The training I have taken has been acquired through the GCSS-A web page and during Annual Training with other States.
e. Another thing that impacted my career when GCSS-A was implemented in the PRARNG was the disappearance of the ASL. Our leadership decided not keep the ASL, as a result, our ability to repair equipment in less time and reach the “Turnaround Time” (TAT) standard was considered increased.
f. During the transition period, another significant change in the implementation of GCSS-A, was the vocabulary. The new concept, produced confusion between the Maintenance, Supply, and Budget …show more content…
GCSS-A has impacted my civilian job as well. During the transition process from SARSS to GCSS-A, I found that some requisitions were not transitioned correctly. For example, some of the transactions weren’t seen in GCSS-A, however, parts starting coming to the warehouse.
i. The Wave 2 will start to Puerto Rico in February 2017 . Might start with the new roles that will be shifted to Supervisors. As a Supervisor in the maintenance area, some roles, such as work order acceptance (or reject them), that is one of many function of Production Control Section, will be shifted to Supervisors. This section is similar to the Stock Control of a warehouse. They are responsible for accepting status, receive parts, and update work orders status in to the Standard Army Maintenance System-Enhanced (SAMS-E).
j. Another impact to my career is the way National Guard report employee man- hours thru the new system. Exempt technician need to report their performance thru a work order into SAMS-E. This is another role that will be added to Supervisors when wave two is incorporated. GCSS-A will require Supervisors to perform such