From North Cape to Cape Town
KPMG Golf Course Development Cost Survey in the EMA Region
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Penha Longa Golf Club Lisbon (Sintra), Portugal Designer: Robert Trent Jones II
The credo of Robert Trent Jones II – “of the earth, for the spirit” – reflects the company's passion for golf and our commitment to the values of the game. We believe golf courses are places of tranquility, conviviality, and aesthetic beauty, providing sanctuaries from the cares of daily life. At the same time, we recognize that golf is a challenging game that can command a lifetime's devotion, but can never truly be conquered. During the nearly forty years of its existence, RTJII has designed more than 230 courses in 38 countries. Numerous championships and various professional tour events have been played on RTJII courses, including the Grand Slam of Golf. Many RTJII courses are ranked among the world's best by various rating organizations. Among the countries where RTJII courses have been rated “Number One” are China, Norway, the Philippines, Russia, Thailand, Taiwan, and Malaysia. The company currently is active in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. RTJII is involved in all phases of golf course design, from master planning through design implementation.
Photo: Henebry Photography
G o l f C o u r s e D eve l o p m e n t C o s t S u r vey 3
Dear Reader,
Recent research confirms that there are approximately 32,000 golf courses worldwide. Presently, some 50 million people play golf throughout the world. Although the United States represents the largest golf market in the world with around 17 ,000 courses and approximately 27 million golfers, the game itself originates in Europe and continues to have a strong presence there, with more than 6,000 golf courses and roughly 4 million registered golfers. Golf course development is a growing business all over the world. In recent years,