|This project contains information about activity of exercise which I will do with a service user at my placement. It will base on |
|sociological and psychological knowledge and also current policies and legislations. |
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|I am student in a local authority day centre. My placement supports adults with physical and sensual impairment. The day centre |
|provides range of different groups designed for disabled people. I have chosen an exercise group to my project to describe an |
|individual service user. |
|The organisation is registered service and regulated by the Care Inspectorate which was established by Regulation of Care ( Scotland|
|) Act 2001. Trained and qualified staff works with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) requirements. All service users |
|within the placement are treated accordingly with the criteria delineated by the National Care Standards – Support Services. |
|Each service user in the organisation has his key worker, who creates an individual care plan based on assessments and taking into |
|account the needs and expectations of the individual. |
|As a student in the placement I comply with all regulations listed above. In the centre I provide appropriate level of care and help|
|in taking part in all available activities. Treat all service users with dignity, privacy, give to all service users choice, provide|
|safety, allow realising potential and take account of equality and diversity to each