Doing your homework may not seem like it is all that needed an that you do not need to do it but, in all actuality it is very important.
Most homework teachers give you is to help you practice the skills, and lessons that were taught to you in class. As a freshman, it’s not cool to do homework, there other more fun things you want to do. The homework will also help you to study for tests are given to you. Tests are an important part of your high school career, and getting excellent or horrible grades on those tests will make or break your grade point average. Having a good gpa will help you get into a good college, which will help you receive a high paying job. There are a ton of ways that you can study for a test. However, there are only a few ways that actually help me to learn what I am
studying. Studying is a great way to help your grade stay where you want it to be. To help me, I use these studying skills, highlighting the work, re-writing my notes, making hand movements that go along with the words I need to learn. Those are the ways I study, however, only you can know the ways that help you study and learn the content required to know. So choose the best method for you and use it. Make sure you are studying lang before the test, do not study only the night before. You have to study, that is how you learn and retain the information, having worthy grades will let you to be able to join the clubs and sports that you enjoy. Joining clubs and sports is also a big part of the high school experience. You have to join the activities you want to join. Do not let anyone make you or convince you to do any activities that you do not enjoy. It is your choice to do what you want in high school, so choose what school activities you want to do. That is one of my biggest regrets that I chose a sport to play because I was afraid that I would not be good enough for the other sport. However, I was wrong because now I am starting in the sport I wanted to play. Always go with your gut instinct, you know yourself better, and do what you want to do with your high school career. It is yours and only your high school career, only you can take hold of it. You must be responsible and make sure you are getting the grades you know you should get. Teachers and your parents can come along side and help you. However, they will only do so if you seem interested in what you are doing. You must make the best out of your experience in high school. Doing well in high school, will prepare you for college.