At Reliance Industries Limited Manufacturing Division - Allahabad.
Evaluation of Grievance Handling Mechanism
At Reliance Industries Limited Manufacturing Division - Allahabad.
IMPACT Summer Training Project Report
Summer Training Project Report
This project focuses on Evaluation of Grievance Handling Mechanism at RIL manufacturing division-Allahabad. Grievance is any kind of dissatisfaction with regard to pay, promotion, suspension, working condition etc. The primary objective of the study is to find the effectiveness of grievance handling mechanism being followed. The sample size is 100 and the population size is 600. The tools used for the study are Percentage method, Correlation, Weighted average mean and Chi-Square test. The study infers that most of employees are satisfied with the mechanism being followed.
This project focuses on Evaluation of Grievance Handling Mechanism at RIL manufacturing division-Allahabad. Grievance is any kind of dissatisfaction with regard to pay, promotion, suspension, working condition etc. The primary objective of the study is to find the effectiveness of grievance handling mechanism being followed. The sample size is 100 and the population size is 600. The tools used for the study are Percentage method, Correlation, Weighted average mean and Chi-Square test. The study infers that most of employees are satisfied with the mechanism being followed.
Department of Master of Business Administration
This is to certify that this project report entitled “Evaluation of Grievance Handling Mechanism at RIL-Allahabad Manufacturing Division” submitted to Department of Master of Business Administration, United Institute of Management, Allahabad, is a bonafide record of work done by SHAGUFTA WAHEED under my supervision from 20-06-12 to 08-08-12.
Signature of the H.O.D. Signature of the Guide Mr. Vikas Mehrotra Dr. Rahul Rajan Head of Department. Lecturer. M.B.A. Department. M.B.A. Department.
Submitted to the project and viva Examination for this project was held on
Internal Examiner External Examiner
Place :
Date :
Allahabad Manufacturing Division
Certified that this project report titled “
” is the bonafidework of Ms. NITHYA. D (Registration Number: 11409631028) who carried out theresearch under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge thework reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation onthe basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.
Signature of the Guide Signature of the HODMr. G.B.SURESH Mrs. P.RajalakshmiLecturer Head of the Department
Certified that this project report titled “
” is the bonafidework of Ms. NITHYA. D (Registration Number: 11409631028) who carried out theresearch under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge thework reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation onthe basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.
Signature of the Guide Signature of the HODMr. G.B.SURESH Mrs. P.RajalakshmiLecturer Head of the Department
This is to certify that Ms. Shagufta Waheed has undergone Summer Training at our organization effective from 20.06.2012 to 08.08.2012.
She has completed the project assigned to her up to the level of the satisfaction of the guide. During the training period her performance was excellent. To the best of our knowledge she is sincere and hardworking.
We wish her success in her future endeavor.
Signature of the H.O.D. Signature of the Guide
Place :
It gives me great ecstasy of pleasure to convey my deep and sincere thanks to my Principal, T.B.Singh for providing me opportunity to do my project in RIL Allahabad Manufacturing Division and hearty thanks to my Head of Department, Mr. Vikas Mehrotra for his kind support, which helped me to complete the project successfully. I have great pleasure in expressing my sincere gratitude and thanks to my beloved Faculty, Dr. Rahul Rajan, Department of M.B.A. for consenting to be my guide. He had been a great source of encouragement and inspired me throughout my project. I am greatly thankful to him for everything he has done for me.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. B.S. Bhadauriya( Factory Manager, RIL Allahabad) for giving constant encouragement. I express my hearty thanks to Mr. N.S. Bisht (HR manager), who provided valuable guidance throughout the project in his busy schedule.
My special thanks to Mr. Nagendra Bahadur( HR executive), Mr. Manoj Saxena( HR manager-T&D), Mr. AmarendraTiwari( HR executive-IR) and other staff members of the HR department who spent their precious time in explaining the various activities and functions of the company and helped me in completing the project. My special thanks to
Mr. A.S.Prithiviraju, Deputy Manager - HRD of Rane EngineValve LTD, Plant 3, Ponneri
, and other staff members of the company who spent their precious time in explaining the various activities and functions of the company andhelped me in completing this project.
My special thanks to
Mr. A.S.Prithiviraju, Deputy Manager - HRD of Rane EngineValve LTD, Plant 3, Ponneri
, and other staff members of the company who spent their precious time in explaining the various activities and functions of the company andhelped me in completing this project.
I thank my Management and Department Staffs for their support and above all to God for showering his blessing upon me.
Last but not the least; I would like to thank my family and friends for extending their continuous support. A special word of thanks to all those I have failed to acknowledge.
Summer training is one of the most important parts in the management course since learning theory and doing it practically are two aspects of study. In this short stay in RIL manufacturing division Allahabad, I have learned that this is the right time to implement the classroom learning at the work place.
The subject matter of personnel management is human behavior, which differs from man to man. The persons working in a group cannot be fully satisfied in all respects. The management even cannot satisfy the feeling and ego of all its employees. It is therefore, but natural that workers have grievance against his immediate supervisor or against the management as a whole or against the system practices, which are followed in the organization.
The major disputes may be handed over to the statutory machinery set up under the industrial dispute act 1947, but minor disputes or grievances cannot be referred to the statutory machinery and must be settled by negotiations or by establishing a grievance procedure so that the industrial relation should not be embittered.
The objective of the project is to learn how grievance handling mechanism works and to test the effectiveness of this system within the organization.
I have undergone a summer project for the period of eight weeks. I have put my endeavor to make the objective accomplished in the stipulated time. Despite all the limitations, obstacles, hurdles and hindrances I have toiled my hand to achieve the goal desired. During the period of the summer training at RIL, I had the opportunities to have the experience which has increased my sphere of knowledge to a great extent. In this summer training project at RIL I have learned that how actually problems and grievances can be handled and controlled by welfare activity program as managed and being implemented by the RIL in its Industry.
I SHAGUFTA WAHEED D/o Mr. Waheed Uddin, a student of MBA 3rd Semester hereby declare that for the purpose of summer training project report, I have conducted study on "Evaluation of Grievance Handling mechanism at Reliance Industries Limited, Allahabad" for the partial fulfillment of my MBA degree. I declare that the report is totally free from bias and the data provided in the report is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. It’s my original work and it is not submitted anywhere else.
(SHAGUFTA WAHEED) MBA 3rd Semester Roll No.: 1101170092.
INDEX Abbreviations List of Tables List of Charts Glossary 1. Company Profile
1) Reliance Group--------------------------------------------------------------------
2) Reliance Industries Limited a) Details---------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Board of directors--------------------------------------------------------- c) Products and Brands------------------------------------------------------ d) Milestones------------------------------------------------------------------ e) Awards---------------------------------------------------------------------- f) Principal competitors------------------------------------------------------ g) SWOT analysis-------------------------------------------------------------
3) RIL-Allahabad Manufacturing Division(AMD) a) Brief History and Location----------------------------------------------- b) Vision, Mission and Values---------------------------------------------- c) Products and Marketing--------------------------------------------------- d) Its Structure----------------------------------------------------------------- e) Schemes, Programs and Policies----------------------------------------- f) Corporate Social Responsibilities---------------------------------------- g) Problems faced--------------------------------------------------------------
2. Review of Literature 3. Grievance Redressal Mechanism of RIL-AMD
1) Formal, Informal, and ESS mechanisms------------------------------------------- 2) Web pages of ESS system------------------------------------------------------------
4. Research Methodology
1) Scope of the study---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Objectives of the study----------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Research Methodology ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Sample Design -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Types of Information collected ------------------------------------------------------- 6) Statistical tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Limitations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Data Analysis and Interpretation
6. Findings, Suggestions, and Conclusion Bibliography-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annexures 1) Annexure 1 – Questionnaire ---------------------------------------------------------- 2) Annexure 2 – Exit Interview form---------------------------------------------------- 3) Annexure 3 – Grievance / Complaint lodge form-----------------------------------
RIL: Reliance Industries Limited
RIL-AMD: Reliance Industries Limited - Allahabad Manufacturing Division
ESS: Employee Self – Service
QMS: Query Management System
PFY: Polyester Fiber Yarn
POY: Polyester Oriented Yarn
DMT: Dimethyl 1 Terephatalate (Raw Material)
PTA: Purified Terephtalic Acid (Raw Material)
MEG: Mono Ethylene Glycol (Raw Material)
LIST OF TABLES Table No. | TABLE | PAGE No. | 1 | Comparison between RIL and its competitors | | 2 | SWOT Analysis | | 3 | Corporate Social Responsibility of RIL-AMD | | 5.1 | Distribution of respondents based on age | | 5.2 | Distribution of respondents based on qualification | | 5.3 | Distribution of respondents based on departments at RIL-AMD | | 5.4 | Distribution of respondents based on work experience | | 5.5 | Distribution of respondents based on awareness of grievance redressal committee, its members & monthly meeting of the committee | | 5.6 | Distribution of respondents based on choice of grievance procedures | | 5.7 | Distribution of respondents regarding whom they redress for grievance in case of informal mechanism | | 5.8 | Distribution of respondents based on causes of grievances | | 5.9 | Distribution of respondents based on mechanisms followed resolve grievance or not | | 5.10 | Distribution of respondents based on duration to settle grievance | | 5.11 | Distribution of respondents regarding decision given by management | | 5.12 | Distribution of respondents based on employees’ comfort level with rules and policies of the organization | | 5.13 | Distribution of respondents based on their feelings about the functioning of trade union | | 5.14 | Distribution of respondents based on employees relations with supervisors, peers & subordinates | | 5.15 | Distribution of respondents based on job satisfaction at RIL-AMD | | 5.16 | Distribution of respondents based on opinion about remedial measures | | 5.17 | Distribution of respondents based on welfare facilities | | 5.18(a) | Correlation between feel about decision given & real basis identification | | 5.18(b) | Values of correlation for table 3.18(a) | | 5.19(a) | Correlation between education qualification and career development program | | 5.19(b) | Values of correlation for table 3.19(a) | | 5.20(a) | Observed frequency for satisfaction level of the employees for the grievance resolving procedure of the company based on their experience | | 5.20(b) | Expected frequency for satisfaction level of the employees for the grievance resolving procedure of the company based on their experience | | 5.20(c) | Computation for Chi – Square with respect to the satisfaction level of the employees for the grievance resolving procedure of the company based on their experience | |
LIST OF CHARTS CHART No. | CHART | PAGE No. | 1 | Product Mix of RIL | | 2 | Organizational hierarchy of RIL-AMD | | 3 | HRD chart of RIL-AMD | | 4 | Settlement of grievance | | 5 | Grievance handling procedure in small company | | 6 | Grievance handling procedure in large company | | 5.1 | Distribution of respondents based on age | | 5.2 | Distribution of respondents based on qualification | | 5.3 | Distribution of respondents based on departments at RIL-AMD | | 5.4 | Distribution of respondents based on work experience | | 5.5 | Distribution of respondents based on awareness of grievance redressal committee, its members & monthly meeting of the committee | | 5.6 | Distribution of respondents based on choice of grievance procedures | | 5.7 | Distribution of respondents regarding whom they redress for grievance in case of informal mechanism | | 5.8 | Distribution of respondents based on causes of grievances | | 5.9 | Distribution of respondents based on mechanisms followed resolve grievance or not | | 5.10 | Distribution of respondents based on duration to settle grievance | | 5.11 | Distribution of respondents regarding decision given by management | | 5.12 | Distribution of respondents based on employees’ comfort level with rules and policies of the organization | | 5.13 | Distribution of respondents based on their feelings about the functioning of trade union | | 5.14 | Distribution of respondents based on employees relations with supervisors, peers & subordinates | | 5.15 | Distribution of respondents based on job satisfaction at RIL-AMD | | 5.16 | Distribution of respondents based on opinion about remedial measures | | 5.17 | Distribution of respondents based on welfare facilities | | 5.18(a) | Correlation between feel about decision given & real basis identification | | 5.18(b) | Values of correlation for table 3.18(a) | | 5.19(a) | Correlation between education qualification and career development program | | 5.19(b) | Values of correlation for table 3.19(a) | | 5.20(a) | Observed frequency for satisfaction level of the employees for the grievance resolving procedure of the company based on their experience | | 5.20(b) | Expected frequency for satisfaction level of the employees for the grievance resolving procedure of the company based on their experience | | 5.20(c) | Computation for Chi – Square with respect to the satisfaction level of the employees for the grievance resolving procedure of the company based on their experience | |
Arbitration: –
Settlement of a dispute by a third party. In instances where a dispute could not be settled through the normal grievance process, the issue goes to a third party who determines whether there has been a violation of the collective agreement.
Collective agreement: –
A written contractual agreement between the employer and the union which defines the terms and conditions of their work relationship. Its provisions and operation is governed by the Labor Relations Act.
Grievance: –
Any work-related dispute arising out of the interpretation, application administration or alleged violation of the terms of the collective agreement.
Just Cause: –
Justifiable and reasonable decision/action.
Progressive Discipline: –
Discipline imposed only after it has been determined that the misconduct occurred, that it has been brought to the attention of the employee, and that the employee was given a fair chance to correct the behaviour. If the behaviour has not changed, then at some point, discipline is imposed progressively (e.g., written warning, suspension).
Steward/Union Representative/Council Representative: –
An employee who has been authorized to represent the union with respect to matters relating to the Collective agreement.
RELIANCE GROUP: "Between my past, the present and the future, there is one common factor: Relationship and Trust. This is the foundation of our growth." | Shri Dhirubhai H. Ambani
Founder Chairman Reliance Group
December 28, 1932 - July 6, 2002 |
The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932-2002), is India's largest private sector enterprise, with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Group's annual revenues are in excess of US$ 66 billion. The flagship company, Reliance Industries Limited, is a Fortune Global 500 company and is the largest private sector company in India.
Backward vertical integration has been the cornerstone of the evolution and growth of Reliance. Starting with textiles in the late seventies, Reliance pursued a strategy of backward vertical integration - in polyester, fiber intermediates, plastics, petrochemicals, petroleum refining and oil and gas exploration and production - to be fully integrated along the materials and energy value chain.
The Group's activities span exploration and production of oil and gas, petroleum refining and marketing, petrochemicals (polyester, fiber intermediates, plastics and chemicals), textiles, retail, infotel and special economic zones. Reliance enjoys global leadership in its businesses, being the largest polyester yarn and fiber producer in the world and among the top five to ten producers in the world in major petrochemical products.
Major Group Companies are Reliance Industries Limited, including its subsidiaries and Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited.
Corporate Office of RIL, Navi Mumbai
Board of Directors of Reliance Industries Limited | | | | Shri Mukesh D. Ambani
Chairman & Managing Director | | | | | Shri Nikhil R. Meswani
Executive Director | Shri Hital R. Meswani
Executive Director | Shri PMS Prasad
Executive Director | | | | Shri P.K.Kapil
Executive Director | Shri Ramniklal H. AmbaniNon-Executive Director | Shri Mansingh L. BhaktaNon-Executive Director | | | | Shri Yogendra P. TrivediNon-Executive Director | Dr. D. V. KapurNon-Executive Director | Shri M. P. ModiNon-Executive Director | | | | Prof. Ashok MisraNon-Executive Director | Prof. Dipak C JainNon-Executive Director | Dr. Raghunath
Anant MashelkarNon-Executive Director |
Reliance Industries Limited:
Type: Public
Traded as: BSE: 500325, NSE: RELIANCE, LSE: RIGD BSE SENSEX Constituent
Industry: Conglomerate
Predecessor(s): Reliance Commercial Corporation
Founded: 1966 Founder(s): Dhirubhai Ambani
Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Key people: Mukesh Ambani (Chairman and MD)
Products: Crude oil, natural gas, petrochemicals, Petroleum, polyester, textiles, retail, telecom
Revenue: US$ 76.119 billion (2012)
Net income: US$ 04.116 billion (2012)
Total assets: US$ 64.230 billion (2012)
Total equity: US$ 33.263 billion (2012)
Employees: 23,166 (2012)
• Reliance Life Sciences
• Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited
• Reliance Logistics
• Reliance Clinical Research Services
• Reliance Solar
• Relicord
• IndiaWin Sports Pvt. Ltd.
• Infotel Broadband Ltd.
Products & Brands:
The Company expanded into textiles in 1975. Since its initial public offering in 1977, the Company has expanded rapidly and integrated backwards into other industry sectors, most notably the production of petrochemicals and the refining of crude oil.
The Company from time to time seeks to further diversify into other industries. The Company now has operations that span from the exploration and production of oil and gas to the manufacture of petroleum products, polyester products, polyester intermediates, plastics, polymer intermediates, chemicals and synthetic textiles and fabrics.
The Company's major products and brands, from oil and gas to textiles are tightly integrated and benefit from synergies across the Company. Central to the Company's operations is its vertical backward integration strategy; raw materials such as PTA, MEG, ethylene, propylene and normal paraffin that were previously imported at a higher cost and subject to import duties are now sourced from within the Company. This has had a positive effect on the Company's operating margins and interest costs and decreased the Company's exposure to the cyclicality of markets and raw material prices. The Company believes that this strategy is also important in maintaining a domestic market leadership position in its major product lines and in providing a competitive advantage.
The Company's operations can be classified into four segments namely: * Petroleum Refining and Marketing business * Petrochemicals business * Oil and Gas Exploration & Production business * Others
The Company has the largest refining capacity at any single location.
The Company is: * Largest producer of Polyester Fibre and Yarn * 5th largest producer of Paraxylene (PX) * 5th largest producer of Polypropylene (PP) * 8th largest producer of Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) and Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG).
RIL Product Mix:
Milestones: * Starting as a small textile company, Reliance has in its journey crossed several milestones to become a Fortune 500 company in less than 3 decades. * Reliance continues to cross newer & bigger milestones in its quest for what is known as "Growth is Life".
Major Milestones 2010 | * During the year, RIL and BP announced a strategic partnership in the oil and gas business. This partnership comprises BP taking 30 per cent stake in 23 oil and gas production sharing contracts that Reliance operates in India, including the KG-D6 block, and the formation of a joint venture (50:50) for sourcing and marketing gas in India. * During the year, the Company took a significant step by entering into partnerships in the United States of America with Atlas Energy, Pioneer Natural Resources and Carrizo Oil & Gas through three distinctive joint venture agreements. It has also entered into a separate joint venture with Pioneer Natural Resources aimed at addressing the mid-stream opportunity in gas evacuation and transportation. * During the year, RIL and Russia's SIBUR announced a joint venture for the setting up of a facility for producing 100,000 tonnes of butyl rubber in India. * During the year, RIL acquired a 95% stake in Infotel Broadband Services Limited, which emerged as a successful bidder in all the 22 circles of the auction for Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) spectrum conducted by the Department of Telecommunication, Government of India. RIL has invested Rs. 4,201.64 crore by way of subscription to equity capital issued by Infotel Broadband. | 2009 | * RIL joins the league of global deep water oil and gas operators - RIL commenced production of hydrocarbons in its KGD6 block in the Krishna Godavari basin with the production of sweet crude of 420 API. The production of oil in KG-D6 was commissioned in just over two years of its discovery, making it the world’s fastest green-field deep water oil development project. * With the commissioning of the new refinery in its Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Jamnagar has now become the petroleum hub of the world. With 1.24 Million Barrels Per Day (MBPD) of nominal crude processing capacity, it is the single largest refining complex in the world. * RPL merger with RIL: Value creation through scale and synergies - The merger of Reliance Petroleum Limited (RPL) with Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has enabled seamless integration of operational scale and financial synergies that existed between the two Companies. Assets and liabilities of RPL have been transferred to RIL with effect from 1st April 2008, as per the approval granted by the Hon. High Courts of Mumbai and Gujarat. Shareholders of RPL received 1 share of RIL in lieu of every 16 shares of RPL held by them, as per the scheme of merger. Accordingly, 6.92 crore new equity shares of RIL have been allotted to the shareholders of RPL. |
Financial Milestones 2011 | * Revenue crossed Rs. 2,50,000 crore mark (Rs. 2,58,651 crore, US$ 58.0 billion), Net Profit crossed Rs. 20,000 crore mark (Rs. 20,286 crore, US$ 4.5 billion) and Total Assets crossed Rs. 2,80,000 crore mark (Rs. 2,84,719 crore, US$ 63.8 billion), unparalleled in the Indian Private sector. * Exports crossed Rs. 1,40,000 crore mark (Rs. 1,46,667 crore, US$ 32.9 billion), 13.4% of India's total exports. * RIL declares Dividend of 80%. Payout of Rs 2,385 Crore, one of the highest in the Indian Private Sector. | 2010 | * Revenue crossed Rs. 2,00,000 crore mark (Rs. 2,00,400 crore, US$ 44.6 billion), Net Profit crossed Rs. 16,000 crore mark (Rs. 16,236 crore, US$ 3.6 billion) and Total Assets crossed Rs. 2,50,000 crore mark (Rs. 2,51,006 crore, US$ 55.9 billion), unparalleled in the Indian Private sector. * Exports crossed Rs. 1,00,000 crore mark (Rs. 1,10,176 crore, US$ 24.5 billion), 14.5% of India's total exports. * RIL declares Dividend of 70%. Payout of Rs 2,084 Crore, one of the highest in the Indian Private Sector. | 2009 | * Total Assets crossed Rs. 2,00,000 crore mark (Rs. 2,45,706 crore, US$ 48.44 billion), Networth crossed Rs. 1,00,000 crore mark (Rs. 1,26,373 crore, US$ 24.92 billion), unparalleled in the Indian Private sector. * RIL declares Dividend of 130%. Payout of Rs 1,897 Crore, one of the highest in the Indian Private Sector. |
Growth through Recognition
Reliance has merited a series of awards and recognitions for excellence for businesses and operations. Leadership | * Shri Mukesh Ambani, Chairman & Managing Director, RIL, has been nominated to a 'key advocacy group of Millennium Development Goals', whose mandate includes finding ways to fight socio-economic evils such as poverty, by the United Nations in 2010. Shri Ambani is the only Indian to be a part of the MDG Advocacy Group that comprises eminent international personalities. * Shri Mukesh Ambani has been re-elected as Vice Chairman of the Business Council for Sustainable Development's (WBCSD) Executive Committee for a second consecutive term in 2010. * The Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum (WEF) elected Shri Mukesh Ambani on its Board. WEF's mission is to improve the state of the world and the elected board members make valuable contributions to this mission through their involvement. * Shri Mukesh Ambani received the prestigious 'Dwight D Eisenhower Global Leadership Award' at the Business Council for International Understanding's Annual Global Awards Gala in 2010. * The Asia Society, New York presented the 'Global Vision Award' to Shri Mukesh Ambani, honoring global leaders who help promote understanding between Asians and Americans in 2010. * Shri Mukesh Ambani received the NDTV Profit Business Leadership Award 2010 from the Finance Minister, Government of India in 2010. * The senior editors of Financial Chronicle unanimously voted Shri Mukesh Ambani as 'Businessman of the Year for 2010'. * Shri PMS Prasad was bestowed with the "Outstanding Achievement – Natural Gas" Award at the OCEANTEX 2010. | Corporate Ranking & Ratings: | * RIL continues to be featured, for the sixth consecutive year, in the Fortune Global 500 list of the World's Largest Corporations, ranking for 2010 is as follows: * Ranked 175 based on Revenues * Ranked 100 based on Profits * RIL is ranked 68th in 2010, in the Financial Times' FT Global 500 list of the world's largest companies (up from previous year's 75th rank). * RIL has been ranked at 20th position, on the basis of sales, in the ICIS Top 100 Chemicals Companies list. RIL is the only Indian company in the world's Top 20 chemical companies in the global ranking. RIL has also been named as the 8th biggest gainer in the list in terms of operating profits. * RIL is the only Indian company to get a perfect score from CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets (CLSA) in a list of Asia's best companies in terms of CSR and termed the Company as the region's 'Corporate Good Guy'. In its 'Ethical Asia' 2010 report, CLSA has named RIL among its top picks for providing very good data and going well beyond required disclosure. * RIL is rated as the 33rd 'Most Innovative Company in the World' in a survey conducted by the US financial publication- Business Week in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Further, in 2010, BCG has ranked RIL second amongst the world's 10 biggest, 'Sustainable Value Creators', companies for creating the most shareholder value for the period 2000 to 2009. | Project Management | E&P Division received the Petrotech-2010 Special Technical Award in the 'Project Management' category for completion of their Krishna Godavari Gas project ahead of schedule. | Health, Safety and Environment | * Allahabad Manufacturing Division received a rating of 90% for its environmental initiatives from British Safety Council in 2010. * Barabanki Manufacturing Division received '5 Star Rating on BSC Environment' from British Safety Council in 2010. * Dahej Manufacturing Division received 'Greentech Environment Excellence Award 2010 - Gold' for its excellence in environment practices from Greentech Foundation in 2010. * Dahej Manufacturing Division received the 'National Award for the Prevention of Pollution in Petrochemicals Sector' for its excellence in environment practices from theMinistry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, in 2010. * Dahej Manufacturing Division received "Our Cup of Joy India's Best Practices on Water Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) October 2010" Award for the Best practice of water conservation of "Utilizing Cooling Tower Blow Down water for Irrigation Purpose". * Hazira Manufacturing Division received the British Safety Council's (BSC), Five Star Environment Award for its "beyond compliance" initiatives, best environmental practices, innovations and resource conservation efforts in 2010. * Hazira Manufacturing Division won the UK Energy Institute's Safety Award for 'Road Safety TRUST Programme' in 2010, making RIL the first Indian / Asian company to win this award. * Hazira Manufacturing Division won the FGI Award for Excellence in Environmental Pollution Abatement and Preservation in 2010. * Hazira Manufacturing Division won CII's Best Environmental Practice Award under "Most Innovative Project" and "Innovative Project" category in January 2011. * Hoshiarpur Manufacturing Division, for four consecutive years in a row won the 'State Safety Award' from Punjab Industrial Safety Council & Chief Inspector of Factories, Punjab in 2011. * Jamnagar Manufacturing Division Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) Refinery received the 'Golden Peacock Award for Occupational Health & Safety' for pace setting performance in OH and Safety in 2010. * Jamnagar Manufacturing Division DTA Refinery received 'Safety Innovation Award' from Safety & Quality Forum of Institute of Engineers (India). * Jamnagar Manufacturing Division DTA Refinery won the "Greentech Platinum Award (2010)" Safety Category, in Petroleum Refinery Sector for its outstanding Achievement in Safety Management. * Jamnagar Manufacturing Division has been granted by The National Accreditation Board for Laboratories (NABL), Ministry of Science & Technology; Government of India, "NABL accreditation" based on ISO 15189: 2007 for the DAOH & FWC Medical Laboratory. * Jamnagar Manufacturing Division Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Refinery received '5 Star Award for Health & Safety' from British Safety Council for sustained performance in Health & Safety in 2010. * Jamnagar Manufacturing Division SEZ Refinery has won the prestigious 'Greentech Environment Excellence Award 2010' in Gold Category in Petroleum Refinery Sector for its best practices in Environment Management. * Jamnagar Manufacturing Division SEZ Refinery has been selected as the winner of the "10th Annual Greentech Safety Award 2011", in Platinum Category in the Petroleum Refinery Sector. * Nagothane Manufacturing Division received the "Vana Shree Award" from the State Government of Maharashtra in 2010. * Nagpur Manufacturing Division received the 'Sword of Honour' from the British Safety Council in 2010. * Vadodara Manufacturing Division received the CII Environmental Best Practice Award in 2011. | Energy and Water Conservation / Efficiency | * Hazira Manufacturing Division won the 'Excellent Energy Efficient Unit Award for FY 2009-10' from CII in 2010. * Dahej Manufacturing Division bagged the 'Excellent Energy Efficient Unit Award 2010' for its energy conservation efforts from CII in 2010. * Dahej Manufacturing Division received the 'National Energy Conservation Award 2010' for its energy conservation initiatives from the Ministry of Power, Government of India. * Jamnagar Manufacturing Division received the 'National Award for Excellence in Energy Management' for its energy conservation techniques from CII in 2010. * Jamnagar Manufacturing Division received the 'I.C.C. Award for Excellence in Energy Management' for its energy performance from the Indian Chemical Council in 2010. | Technology, Patents, R&D and Innovation | * Nagpur Manufacturing Division received the 'Innovation Quest 2010 Trophy' instituted by the Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering. * E&P's KG-D6 won the 'Innovation for India Awards 2010' instituted by the Marico Innovation Foundation for their combined synthesis of advanced technologies, extreme engineering, innovative execution, yielding unprecedented results and impact on India' energy security. * Hazira Manufacturing Division won the "Innovative Project" from the CII in 2010. * Hazira Manufacturing Division won the FGI Federation of Gujarat Industries Award for technology development in 2010. * Hazira Manufacturing Division won the Indian Chemical Council Award for chemical plant design and engineering in 2010. * Reliance Technology Group (RTG) received "Certificate of Merit" from the Federation of Gujarat Industries and "ICC award for excellence in chemical plant design and engineering" in 2010. | Retail | * Reliance Footprint received the Retailer of the Year Award in the Non Apparel and Footwear category at Asia Retail Congress 2010. * Reliance TimeOut received the Retailer of the Year Award in the Leisure Category at Asia Retail Congress 2010. * Vision Express was bestowed the 'Award 2010' for its contribution by the Netherlands India Chamber of Commerce and Trade in 2010. * Reliance Trends received the 'Impactful Retail Design and Visual Merchandising of the Year Award' at the Asia Retail Congress 2010. | Sustainability | * Jamnagar Manufacturing Division won the 'Golden Peacock Global Award for Sustainability for the year 2010'.PRINCIPAL COMPETITORS: a. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.(IOC); b. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.(HPCL); c. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.(BPCL); d. Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd.(IPCL); e. Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd.(MRPL); f. Kochi Refineries Ltd.; g. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.; h. Parker Agrochemical Exports LtdCompetition: Name | Last Price | Market Cap.
(Rs. cr.) | Sales
Turnover | Net Profit | Total Assets | Reliance | 719.35 | 233,247.39 | 329,904.00 | 20,040.00 | 224,723.00 | IOC | 268.85 | 65,275.50 | 434,508.57 | 3,954.62 | 108,066.19 | BPCL | 377.10 | 27,267.51 | 211,972.97 | 1,311.27 | 33,029.49 | HPCL | 340.90 | 11,543.80 | 178,335.82 | 911.43 | 37,566.99 | MRPL | 57.85 | 10,138.78 | 53,793.52 | 908.58 | 8,085.86 | Essar Oil | 54.35 | 7,422.40 | 58,336.00 | -4,199.00 | 21,084.83 | Chennai Petro | 122.50 | 1,824.16 | 40,766.29 | 61.83 | 7,988.45 | Nagarjuna Oil | 6.50 | 278.32 | -- | -0.74 | 0.05 |
SWOT ANALYSIS:To asses and analyze the productiveness of a company along with its short comings in different areas, is the superlative mechanism.‘SWOT is an acronym for the internal Strength & Weaknesses of a firm and the environmental Opportunities and Threats facing that firm. The technique is based on the assumption that an effective strategy derives from a sound ‘fit’ between a firm’s internal resources (Strength & Weaknesses) and its external situation (Opportunities and Threats). A good fit maximizes a firm’s strengths and opportunities and minimizes its weaknesses and threats. Reliance Industries LimitedReliance industries limited (RIL), India’s largest private sector company, is engaged in the production of textiles, synthetic fibers, fiber intermediates, petrochemicals, and oil & gas and refining. The SWOT analysis of RIL is shown below.Location of Factor
Location of Factor
Type of Factor
Type of Factor
WEAKNESSES * Increasing long term debt. * Problem with the FCCU (Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit).
* Increasing long term debt. * Problem with the FCCU (Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit).
* Leading market position. * Operational efficiency in refining. * Strong financial performance. STRENGTHS * Leading market position. * Operational efficiency in refining. * Strong financial performance. Location of Factor
Location of Factor
THREATS * Intense domestic competition. * Rising petrochemical supply in the Middle East. * Fluctuating crude oil prices. * Economic slowdown in India.
* Intense domestic competition. * Rising petrochemical supply in the Middle East. * Fluctuating crude oil prices. * Economic slowdown in India.
* Joint venture with NOVA chemicals. * Acquisition of polyester assets of Hualon
* Increasing demand for transportation fuels. * Growing demand for petroleum products.
* Joint venture with NOVA chemicals. * Acquisition of polyester assets of Hualon
* Increasing demand for transportation fuels. * Growing demand for petroleum products.
STRATEGIES - CORE COMPETENCIES : * One of RIL’s core competencies is to conceptualize & implement multi- billion dollar projects on time & in a cost efficient manner. * RIL has proven successfully track record of successfully implementing large projects, including its existing refinery & petrochemicals complex at Jamnagar in Gujrat , its petrochemicals complex at Hazira in Gujrat and another petrochemicals complex at Patalganga in Maharastra. * These 3 facilities together accounted for approximately 84 % of RIL’s gross fixed assets for the year ended march 31st, 2005.ALLAHABAD MANUFACTURING DIVISION(RIL-AMD)BRIEF HISTORYReliance Industries Limited Allahabad Manufacturing division was earlier known as Raymond Synthetic ltd. Raymond was the flagship Company of Vijaypat Singhania group. It was formed in 1925 to take over the WADIA WOOLEN MILLS plant situated at Maharashtra. Over the years the Company has established itself at the leading player in polyster yarn market. Raymond Synthetic limited was established on 7th March 1989, after the certificate for the commencement of business was obtained and the commercial production started in 1991.In September 1999 the Name of Raymond synthetic Ltd. was changed to RECRON Synthetic Ltd. Thereafter in September 2006 RECRON Synthetic Ltd. was Amalgamated with IPCL (Allahabad Complex). In September 2007 IPCL Amalgamated with RIL(Reliance Industries Limited-Allahabad Manufacturing Division.)Reliance contributes over 1% to India Petrochemical Sector. Reliance contributes over 1% to India GDP and almost 1.5% of the government total revenue receipts.Previously, Raymond’s Synthetics ltd. was a standalone company for its raw material and the changing scenario and increasing competition it started incurring losses. Taking the benefits of the situation Silvassa Yarn & Investment Private Limited( It is an associated company, which could maximize their profit as they had capability of forward and background integration.So, finally in September 1999, Raymond Synthetics was taken over by Silvassa Yarn & Investment Private Limited and the name of the company was change to RECRON SYNTHETICS LIMITED.Mr. I.F. Seth (Chairman)( Silvassa Yarn & Investment Private Limited) Reliance Limited. India largest sector, enterprises is a major player in the India Petrochemical sector.The RECRON SYNTHETICS LIMITED obtained ISO 2002 certification by the global quality assurance certification agency DNV Netherlands for quality management system.In Allahabad, RIL is mainly concerned with the manufacturing of PFY (polyester filament yarn) & POY (polyester oriented yarn) there are working with 931 employees. Its first plant (Batch Processing Plant) has installed capacity of 80 TDP. In the year 1996 the company had its new plant called Continuous process installed with a capacity of 150 TDP, where the batch plant produces wide range of specialty polymers and continuous plant produces both commodity and differentiated products.Batch Plant at RIL-AMDLOCATION:The plant is Located at UPSIDE Industrial Estate, Tehsil Karchana District Allahabad and is well connected with Rail and Road. All Major Indigenous items of plant and machinery supplied by various repute manufacturers based on design of TROY and DPG (DAVY POWER GAS INDIA PVT.LTD.).VISION:To continuously grow on a sustainable basis and be the largest, the most innovative, the most profitable and the most admired specialty polyester producer in the world.MISSION:Create value for all the stakeholders and society and to produce world class polyester.VALUES:Integrity, simplicity, self-confidence, innovation, accountability, openness, transparency, ethics & communication.THE PROJECT:The Company’s Project is the manufacture of PFY with an annual capacity of 15000 tons. This Capacity is also proposed to be Expanded to 25,000 tones in due course.CAPACITY:The Plant at full capacity of 24000 tones enables it to achieve Economies of Scale, in view of growing demand of PFY in India and in other countries, RIL has gone for major capacity expansion for which a continuous, Poly condensation and direct melt spinning unit with annual capacity of 45,000 tones has been set up, for an estimated cost of Rs. 270 crores.TECHNICAL COLLABORATIONS:The Technical collaboration of the company is the Toray Industries Inc. of Japan. It is a very widely diversified company with its strong foot hold in plastic industry. Engineering and advanced composite materials, Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic Industry. It is the leading manufacturer of Synthetic fibers and textiles. It has provided the technical data and technical knowledge related to PFY and Specialized yarn have been supplied to India in large part by TORAY.ENGINEERING CONSULTANT:The DAVY POWER GAS INDIA PVT. LTD. Mumbai is the Engineering Consultants of the Company.RAW MATERIALS:The main Raw Material used are DIMETHYL 1 TEREPHATALATE, PURIFIED TEREPHTALIC ACID and MONO ETHYLENE GLYCOL (MEG). The Plant has flexibility to use either DMT or PTA as Raw Material.PROCESS:The Main Process of Manufacturing is through BATCH POLYMERISATION SPINNING ROUTE; the route is more suitable for Indian Market as it facilitate greater flexibility in Raw Material usage product wise etc.MANUFACTURING PROCESS:Polycondensation.Spinning and Tote Up.Draw Twisting and Draw Text rising.Sorting/Packing.Dyeing.EFFLUENT PERFORMANCE:The company has obtained no objection certificate for UP State Pollution Control Board for the Project. Alternate steps to ensure complains to all statutory environment and pollution control requirement applicable to this Industry is taken as an effort in this direction two effluent treatment plants was also been set up.GROSS PROFIT:Due to fall Utilization of production capacity and exploration of all the factors of production, the company has earned a Gross Profit of Rs. 14.60 crore in 1999-2000 but again it declined to Rs.7.04 crore in 2001-2002 due to strike of Textiles. Disruption of normal life due to plague in Surat and adjoining area and steep increase in cost of Raw Material and other unavoidable costs, but now in 2002-2003 the Company has earned a Gross Profit of Rs. 9.30 and Rs. 27.13 crore. In 2007-2008 Company has earned gross Profit 2,712.95 lacs.NET PROFIT:The Company has come into Profit only during the 2001-2002 and incurred a huge loss in the current years company is facing a loss of 29.3 crore in 2008 the net profit/loss of the company is (2,665.83 lacs.) PFY has emerged as the most sought after Manmade yarn in the world because of the Durability. Better look and feel due to these Qualities, PFY is increasingly being used in India for Quality Sarees and Dress materials. The Domestic for PFY in the Year 2002-2003 was expected to be approximately 3.50 lacs MTs TI 4.60 Lacs MTs as per the report of the sub groups of raw material for Synthetics Fiber Industry.The Company has successfully introduced Special yarns such as thick and thin Bishrinkage YOX in the Indian Market and the response to this yarn is quite encouraging. The company is consistently trying to increase the value addition to its products and to reduce Reliance in POY, the market for which has become very competitive.The Company has increased in spinning capacity by additional 5000 tons per annum by installation of balancing equipments, thereby increasing its installed capacity to 24000 tons per annum.The Plant maintains continuous operation and commercial production has started from 1st June 1997.Since then the company has increased its capacity, it will be benefited of Quality discounts of Latest technology etc. Hence considerable improvement in working Expected in the current years.MANAGEMENT:Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction is given top priority by the top management at RIL, the top management has a conductive work culture a very cordial relation exist between management and workmen. Management has ensured involvement of all workmen for ensuring Quality of work by ensuring their participation in quality circle, suggestion scheme, and periodical training of workmen by management experts.As a Result, this unit of RELIANCE GROUP is Working since 1991 without a single dispute between management and employees and a very healthy environment prevails in the organization.DEPARTMENTS at RIL-AMD:1. Production Department.2. Engineering Department.3. Administration Department.4. Human Resources Department.5. Purchase Department.6. Safety Department.7. Security Department.8. Accounts Department.DEPARTMENTS DETAILS: PRODUCTION : a) POLY: The production process starts with the polymerization of the raw material that takes place in the poly department. This results in the formulation of PET chips. b) SPINING: PET chips are conveyed to the spinning department. Here, after proper drying the chips are melted and converted into filament form. After winding, it takes the form of yarn called POY, that is, Partially Oriented Yarn. c) TEXTILE: In this department POY is converted into flat Yarn through Draw Twist Process or textured Yarn through Draw Texturing Process. d) DYEING: Dyeing of Yarn carried out in this department. 1. Quality control: All type of Polyester Filament Yarn is collected for quality monitoring at Textile and Chemical lab. A team of well-qualified and trained professional backed by the most modern and sophisticated instruments accomplish this task. 2. Process control & Production Planning: The basic function of this department is to make sure that the products , which do not confirm to the quality norms are not produced and maintained at minimum level. The production schedule is prepared in the Production planning Section . 3. Sorting & Packaging: This department helps in maintaining quality and ensuring complete safety product till it reaches the customer. ENGINEERING: a) ELECTRICAL: Its main function is to ensure the continuous supply of electricity to the whole plant. b) MECHANICAL: Its function is to ensure all the time availability of all the equipment and look after their maintenance.Chemical lab. A team of well-qualified and trainedprofessional backed by the most modern andsophisticated instruments accomplish this task.2.Process control & Production Planning:Thebasic function of this department is to make sure thatthe products , which do not confirm to the qualitynorms are not produced and maintained at minimumlevel. The production schedule is prepared in theProduction planning Section .3.Sorting & Packaging:This department helps inmaintaining quality and ensuring complete safetyproduct till it reaches the customer.ENGINEERING:a)ELECTRICAL:Its main function is to ensure thecontinuous supply of electricity to the whole plant.b)MECHANICAL:Its function is to ensure all the timeavailability of all the equipment and look after theirmaintenance.c.UTILITY:It ensures uninterrupted supply of utilities tothe process plant such as treated water, air-conditioning, compressed air etc.d)INSTRUMENTATION:The main function of thisdepartment is to maintain the entire process controlinstruments used for controlling and monitoring entire c) UTILITY: It ensures uninterrupted supply of utilities to the process plant such as treated water, air-conditioning, compressed air etc. d) INSTRUMENTATION: The main function of this department is to maintain the entire process control instruments used for controlling and monitoring entire process and poser electronic devices viz., inverter and UPS of the entire plant. e) CIVIL: All the construction work is being look after by this department. ADMINISTRATION: It is service department; it takes up activities in the following field viz. Horticulture, Sanitation, Communication, Transportations, and liasioning with the state and the central government agencies, Guesthouse maintenance. PURCHASE: It is the vital link to the functioning of all other departments. It arranges all the purchase of raw materials and the services (both indigenous and imported). STORES: The main task of this department is to make things available to different departments whenever needed. Total receipt of material, raw materials, spares and keeps them stored and delivers timely to users. Maintain total Inventory Management System. SAFETY: It deals with providing employees with safe working conditions, tools, and equipment and ensures that correct procedures are followed for carrying out all the operations. SECURITY: It ensures safety and security to men, machine and material. ACCOUNTS: The basic function of this department is to give cost to every activity that has monetary relevance and also records of all the benefits in monetary terms. Some of the section of this department is a) Purchase Accountingb) General Accountingc) Sales Accounting and Sales Taxd) Insurancee) Consumption Accountingf) Project and Fixed Asset Accountingg) Excise and Customsh) Management Information System (Profit/Loss, cash flow, balance sheet).i) Income Taxj) Internal Control & Internal Auditk) Balance Sheet finalization & Statutory Audit. IT : With the help of the state-of-the-art technology, it is being planned to connect all machines on Corporate Network with On-Line environment to facilitate data communication and speedy decision making.MARKETING: The basic function of this department is to identify customers need, offer them the products that are profitable to the company and satisfy their needs.HR DEPARTMENT:HRD is primarily concerned with the development of persons working within the organization so as to enable them to have their own fulfillment while at the same time contributing to the goals of the Organization. HRD places premium in the dignity and potential of people.HR Department is quite active in RIL and look after the various functions with the basic philosophy of Managing the organizations more Effectively and Efficiently through its Manpower planning. Some of its Functions are: * Manpower Planning. * Recruitment and Selection. * Industrial Relations. * Welfare Activities. * On the Job Training and organization Development Interventions. * Performance Appraisal and Periodical Evaluations.Responsible officer as per Factories Act:Mr. Hardev Singh Kohli ---------- Occupier.Mr. B.S. Bhadauriya -------------- Factory Manager.Mr. N.S. Bisht ----------------------- Welfare Officer.Mr. C.S. Gupta --------------------- Safety Officer.Mr. V.C. Suvarna ------------------ Site Head.ORGANIZATIONAL HIERARCHY OF RIL-AMD:Site Head
Site Head
Sr. G.M.
Sr. G.M.
Powerhouse & Utility
Powerhouse & Utility
Plant Engineering
Plant Engineering
CATEGORY OF EMPLOYEE:SupervisorLeader -------------------------------------------------- 1) President 2) Vice PresidentManager Family -------------------------------------- 1) Sr. G.M. 2) G.M. 3) Sr. Manager 4) Manager Executive Family ------------------------------------- 1) Executive Non-Supervisor --------------------------------------- - Workmen Contractual - Contractor Labor CHART OF HR DEPARTMENT: HEAD - HR
HEAD - HR Manager
(Occupational Health Centre)
(Occupational Health Centre)
EMPLOYEE'S STRENGTH:Officers - 133.Workers - 618.Contractor Labor - 180WELFARE ACTIVITIES OF RIL:Shift Timing:1st Shift - 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.General Shift - 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.2nd Shift - 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.3rd Shift - 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.Canteen :RIL Allahabad manufacturing division has a canteen as per factory Act 1948.Canteen services are provided round the clock with lunch and dinner service in the first/general and second shift. Financially it is based on no profit and no loss procedure.Transportation :There is conveyance facility which is also available for employees by the company. This facility means Conveyance facility completed by contract base and every employee charge it worth Rs. 145/ month.Other facilities like safety, financial, medical, colony for supervisors and many more are available for the employees.PRODUCT AND MARKET:In Allahabad, RIL is mainly concerned with the manufacturing of PFY (polyester filament yarn) & POY (polyester oriented yarn) & Polymer chips takes place which is used in further production of dress material saries & film reels etc.The main market for threads produced by Reliance Industries Limited plant are in Gujrat, Maharashtra & local markets are Tanda (Faizabad), Mau and Meerut & Kanpur.Marketing department for the threads produced by Recron Synthetic Limited at national level are at Silvassa, Kanpur, and Mumbai.Head marketing department is Mumbai office.Thread produced by RIL is also exported in outside India like Malaysia, Brazil, and Italy etc. Spinning Department of Polyester Yarn White yarnColored yarnsSUGGESTION SCHEME:RIL launched its "Suggestion Award Scheme" in June 1992, the Basic philosophy behind the scheme is to provide proper organizational climate to nature and Encourage the Innovative capability of every worker and improving customer services.CAREER AND SUCCESSION PLANNING:HRD is based on the philosophy that people perform better when they feel Trusted. Work has started in this direction in order to help Employees to be prepared to changes where planned.BENCHMARKING:Benchmarking is the continuous process of measuring and mentoring the best. This will help in identifying and adopting outstanding practices of other Organizations and Improve performance.ISO-9002.In order to Complete the Global Economy Plans are afoot to get ISO-9002 Certification. This will ensure contribution to department and individual in achievement of quality at economic cost and help to standardize our system and Procedures as per international standards.TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT:This is the most important function of HR Department, it is an Effective tool of HRD to increase the organizational effectiveness.QUALITY CIRCLES:Quality Circles movement started in RIL in January 1992.The first two Quality Circles to be established were "DISHA" and "PRABHAT" which helped a lot in solving problems related to productivity, Cost reduction, Safety and improvement in their performance and enrichment of work life.PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL:Based on managing by objective in this system, individual meetings with each employee are held to discuss his performance, communicate the performance area that needs attention and jointly establish the areas of goals to be achieved by next scheduled discussions.MULTI-SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME:It was started in 1995 with the objective of marking the works forces Functionally versatile and trains them to perform more than the job.INTENSIVE INDUCTION PROGRAMME:In order to ensure that the new recruits are provided with appropriate training and information to enable them to perform their duties effectively, the new employees undergo intensive Induction program carried out but in house Induction trainer getting in the field by eminent outside facilities.QUALITY POLICY:"We at RIL are committed to Manufacture and Supply consistent quality Products and Continually Improve the Process Product and System to become most Profitable and most Admired Polyester Producer." THIS SHALL BE ACHIVED:• By Setting and reviewing quality Objectives for increased Productivity, improving the quality and reducing the Cost.• By Training and involving every member of the Organization.• By becoming innovative in all areas of Activities.Quality Policy of RIL Depends upon Five "S", Now we should know what is Five "S" ? Five "S" is Described as : 1. Seire - Sorting Out. 2. Seiton - Systematic Arrangement. 3. Seiso - Spic and Span. 4. Seiketsu - Standardize. 5. Shitsuke - Self Discipline.ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY:We at RIL are Committed to continuously improve our Environmental Performance during the manufacture of Polyester Filament Yarn. This shall be achieved by :- 1. Regulating Operations and Activities for optimal performance. 2. Encouraging Employee for Pollution Prevention and Environmental Management. 3. Conserving Natural Resources. 4. Reviewing our environmental objectives Periodically. 5. Observing Legal Compliance. 6. Nurturing a Clean and Green Surrounding.CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Sr. No. | CSR activities undertaken(till date/on an on-going basis) | Objectives / Reasons/ purpose of undertaking this activity(Even if the reason was to do a favour or obligation ---spell out) | Date ofCommencementof the activity / initiative.i.e. commenced when? | I. | EDUCATION | | | 1. | Stationary provided to nearby Schools (Lawayan & Pipraon) | To facilitate study of the Student for career growth | 07.10.2011 | 2. | Flag hoasting Platform with pole (Nearby 4 schools) | To develop patriotism for flag hoasting on Indepence & Republic Day | May, 2011 to June, 2011 | 3. | Repairing of the Platform, Chabutara and fixing of AC sheets (Pipraon and Lawayan School) | To develop infrustructure facility to students | September, 2011 | 4. | Annual Fest Effervescence MMII-IIIT | | September, 2011 | II. | HEALTH | | | 1. | Mobile Clinic for nearby 3 villages | To provide health facility and tips for good health | 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 16th, 17th & 18th of every month | 2. | Hamrahi Clinic | To provide health facility and tips to truck drivers and nearby villagers | Monday and Friday of every month | 3. | Medical Camp | To provide facility for keeping good health and tips for keeping away from the disease to the villagers | 25th & 26th May, 2011 | 4. | Pulse Polio and Vaccination Camp | * To keep children polio free
* Vaccination camp Khasara, Miseles & brain Fever, Heptitis B etc | | III. | Community Development | | | 1. | Provide water line to Chandi & Vishambharpur villagers | To minimize the drinking water crisis of the Villagers for good health | Round the year | IV. | Others / Miscellaneous | | | 1. | Medical Crossing | Enhance company's goodwill and to contribute by maintaining green and clean park area of city. | regularly | 2. | Drishti Art & Essay Competition | General moral boost up(Dedicated to blinds) | 21st Aug-2011 | V. | One-off Event that does not qualify in any of the above categories | | | 1. | Sweet distribution to the children of Nearby 5 schools | To maintain cordial relation with villagers | Independence day & Republic Day | 2. | Distribution of Blanket in winter to poor people | To protect lives of human in severe cold weather | 26th December 2011 | 3. | Fire tender service | To minimize loss of property and lives in villages of nearby location | |
PROBLEMS FACED: * Despite the number of efforts taken by the organization in resolving grievances, the problem still continues among the employees due to their over expectations from the company. * Domestic competition is another problem. * Employees are not ready to cooperate with the management in upgrading the welfare facilities since they are not ready to pay more for some of the facilities like canteen and bus facilities.CHAPTER 2REVIEW OF LITERATUREINTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC:C B Mamoria brings out the difference between dissatisfaction, grievance and complaint. Dissatisfaction arises when an individual is not happy in his job and when the organization does not recognize the individual goals. This dissatisfaction leads to complaints when an individual discusses it with another employee in the organization. When the dissatisfaction related to the work is brought to the notice of the management, complaint becomes a grievance.Grievances can primarily be divided into three categories:1. Complaints of corrupt practices against officers2. Delay in decision making by officers.3. Grievances against merits of the decision taken by officers.A grievance is a sign of an employee’s discontent, either with job or the organization. The gap between employee expectations and organizational rewards normally leads to a grievance. An unpleasant relationship with the supervisor can sometimes lead to a grievance. Dale S. Beach defined grievances as “dissatisfaction or feeling of injustice in connection with one’s employment situation that is brought to the notice of the management”.The grievance redressal procedure of an organization enables employees to air their dissatisfaction. It is important that an organization has an effective grievance redressal system. This helps the organization to solve problems at the level of an individual rather than have them result in industrial unrest. Keeping track of employee grievances also helps an organization check its policies and procedures to avoid similar problems in the future.The management should show genuine concern and use a humanitarian approach while dealing with employee grievances. The grievance of an employee might have little significance to the management, but for the employee, it is of great significance as it concerns his career and his future in the organization. Therefore, a grievance should be analyzed and settled using a humane approach, along with procedural and legal approaches. However, care should be taken to avoid violation of rules and regulations as this might result in future problems for the management.REVIEW OF LITERATURE:Grievance is any discontent or dissatisfaction that affects organizational performance. As such it can be stated or unvoiced, written or oral, legitimate or ridiculous. If the dissatisfaction of employees’ goes unattended or the conditions causing it are not corrected, the irritation is likely to increase and lead to unfavorable attitude towards the management and unhealthy relations inthe organization.The formal mechanism for dealing with such worker’s dissatisfaction is called grievance procedure. All companies whether unionized or not should have established and known grievance methods of processing grievances. The primary value of grievance procedure is that it can assist in minimizing discontent and dissatisfaction that may have adverse effects upon co-operation and productivity. A grievance procedure is necessary in large organization which has numerous personnel and many levels with the result that the manager is unable to keep a check on each individual, or be involved in every aspect of working of the small organization.The usual steps in grievance procedure are 1. Conference among the aggrieved employee, the supervisor, and the union steward. 2. Conference between middle management and middle union leadership. 3. Conference between top management and top union leadership. 4. Arbitration.There may be variations in the procedures followed for resolving employee grievances. Variations may result from such factors as organizational or decision-making structures or size of the plant or company. Large organizations do tend to have formal grievance procedures involving succession of steps.ArbitrationArbitration is a procedure in which a neutral third party studies the bargaining situation, listens to both the parties and gathers information, and then makes recommendations that are binding on the parties. Arbitration has achieved a certain degree of success in resolving disputes between the labour and the management. The labour union generally takes initiative to go for arbitration. When the union so decides, it notifies the management. At this point, the union and company must select an arbitrator.Definitions:Beach as defined a grievance as “any dissatisfaction or feeling of injustice in connection which one’s employment situation that is brought to the notice of the management”.Flippo says “it is a type of discontent which must always be expressed. A Grievance is usually more formal in character than a complaint. It can be valid or ridiculous, and must grow out of something connected company operation or policy. It must involve as interpretation or application of the provision of the labour contract.In the opinion of the national commission on labour, “ complaints affecting one or more individual workers in respect of wage payments , overtime, leave, transfer, promotion, seniority, work assignments and discharges constitute Grievance.”Meaning :According to Michael J. Jucius, the term Grievances means any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not and whether valid or not, arising out of anything connected with the company thinks, believes or even feels is unfair, unjust or inequitable.”Articles related to grievanceMeasures of supervisory behaviors and supervisor’s knowledge of the collective agreement should, intuitively, be related to the occurrence of grievable events, but there has been no theory advanced to explain grievable events. Kliener, Nigkelsburg and Pilarski implicitly assumed that supervisor monitoring of employees will increase the number of grievable events, but a theoretical basis or rationale for this assumed relationship is not discussed.Grievant were less satisfied with their jobs, had poorer attitudes toward their line supervisors, had greater feelings of pay inequity, had stronger beliefs that workers should participate in decision-making, were less satisfied with their unions, and more active in their unions. The lower satisfaction with the union among grievant may be due to dissatisfaction with the processing of grievances. Grievant were younger and had less education than non-grievant.Gordon and Miller, Allen and Keavney and Klass note the important role that expectancy theory could play in differentiating grievant and non-grievant. Although not a complete test of expectancy theory, Lewin and Boroff did include the employees perceived effectiveness of the grievance procedure as an explanatory variable. Surprisingly, this was not significantly related to grievance filing. Further research focusing on expectancy theory and grievance filing that more fully develops testable hypotheses derived from expectancy theory seems appropriate.Bemmels, Reshef and Stratton-Devine included the shop stewards assessment of how frequently employees approach them with complaints. Although most grievances are formally filed by employees, the initiation of a grievance can come from employees or stewards. Complaining to the shop stewards is the employees’ role in the grievance initiation process. Both of these studies found the work group with employees who complained to the stewards more frequently had grievance rates. Employees’ complaining to their stewards is a precursor to grievance filing. The measure of consideration and structure were significantly related to frequency of employee complaints in Bemmels and the steward’s assessment of the supervisors’ knowledge of the collective agreement was negatively related to complaints.Lewin and Peterson found a positive relationship with grievance procedure structure and grievance rates. They also found higher grievance rates under procedures that include provisions for expedited grievance handling. It was found that provisions allowing oral presentation of grievances was related to lower rates of written grievances, and screening of potential grievances was related to lower rates of written grievance, and screening of potential grievances by a committee or other union officials was associated with lower grievance rates. The number of steps in the grievance procedure and the length of time allowed for filing a grievance were not related to grievance rates.Lewin and Peterson argued that evaluations of grievance procedure effectiveness should include subjective evaluations by the participants as well as objective measures reflecting the operation of the grievance procedure. They argued that subjective evaluations are the preferred method for evaluating grievance procedure effectiveness. Effectiveness was difficult to interpret from measures reflecting the operation of grievance procedures such as grievance rates, settlement levels and arbitration rates since it was not clear what the optimal magnitudes might be for these measures. Furthermore the purpose of grievance procedure is to resolve disputes about the interpretation and application of collective agreements. Grievance procedures exist for the benefit of the employees, employers and unions. If the parties were satisfied with the operation of the grievance procedure, it seems to more important than attaining some predetermined optimal magnitude of grievance filing or when, where, and how grievances are being resolved.Grievance procedures are related to other attitudinal measures and the behaviors of shop stewards in the grievance procedure. Grievance procedure effectiveness was related to union members’ overall satisfaction with the union. Grievance procedures have been found to relate to union commitment, employer commitment and dual commitment. Employer commitment has found to be negatively related to absenteeism and turnover and union commitment has found to have a positive relationship with union participation and with shop steward behavior in the grievance procedure. Many studies still report empirical analysis with no theoretical grounding, or only intuitive and ad hoc hypotheses.Grievance could be classified into 4 basic types: Discrimination charges, rules violation, general or unclassified complaints and discipline.Discrimination was spelled out as based upon race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran status, or handicapped.Grievance corresponding rules violation was an employees’ interpretation of application of policies and procedures governing personnel policies, department work rules, unsafe or unhealthy working conditions, or other policies or procedures of a working nature.Disciplinary actions are the category least classified as a grievance. Legalistic approach was used to handle such cases. With the possibility of adverse legal action arising from unjust discipline, separate systems are often established in discipline cases to ensure the employees’ complete due process rights.Five types of grievance systems were typically noted in the literature. They were the open door policy, step-review method, peer-review also called the grievance committee or roundtable, ombudsman and hearing officer. In the public sector study. The predominant method of grievance adjudication was the step-review method used either singularly or in combination with a peer-review committee. The step-review method had characteristics similar to the grievance / arbitration procedures found in union contracts.The step-review method has a pre-established set of steps for reviewing employee complaints by succeeding higher levels of agency personnel.CHARACTERISTICS OF GRIEVANCE:A Grievance may have the following characteristics 1) Factual :The employer employee relationship depends upon the job contact in any organizations. This contract indicates the norms defining the limits within which the employee expects the organizations to fulfill his aspirations, needs or expectations. When these legitimate needs of exceptions or aspirations are not fulfilled, the employee will be dissatisfied with the job. Such dissatisfactions are called factual Grievance procedure. 2) Imaginary:When the job contract is not clear-cut does not indicate the norms defining the limits within which the employee expects the organization to fulfill his needs or aspirations, employee develops such needs which the organizations is to oblige to meet. Here Grievances are not based on facts. Even then, the employee feels aggrieved. Normally, the organization does not feel any kind of responsibility for such Grievance and their redressal, because they are based not only on wrong perceptions of the employee but also on wrong information. However such Grievance can have far-reaching consequence and organization because the employees are likely to develop an altogether negative attitude towards the organizations, which decrease their effectiveness and in work. 3) Disguised:In general organization considers the basic requirements of the employees. Psychological needs of the employees such as the need for recognition, affections, power, achievement etc. are normally unattended and ignored.TYPES OF GRIEVANCES:There are different types of grievances: individual, group and policy. They differ in their intent as well as in their processes. a) Individual Grievance:An individual grievance is a complaint brought forward by a single employee in which a decision made affects that specific employee. For example, an employee who has applied for a vacancy within the organization may grieve the fact that she was unsuccessful at securing that position. She may feel that she is the most qualified and therefore should be appointed, as per the collective agreement. A grievance is filed to contest the decision of the hiring department. The onus will be on the hiring department, with the assistance of Human Resources, to present the facts supporting decisions made in the hiring process. b) Group Grievance:A group grievance is a complaint brought forward which concerns more than one employee grieving the same alleged violation. In this case, the facts surrounding the alleged violation are the same in all cases. A group grievance involves the “effect of management action on two or more employees” under the same collective agreement. Any settlement of a group grievance would apply to all employees identified with the grievance. c) Policy Grievance:A Policy grievance is a dispute involving a question of general application or interpretation of any article of the collective agreement rather than the direct management action involving a particular employee. For example, the process by which a position is posted may be viewed by the union as a violation of the collective agreement and therefore they wish to challenge it. These types of grievances are initiated at the final step of the grievance procedure and arise directly between the employer and the union.CAUSES OF GRIEVANCE: I) Grievances resulted from working conditions: * Poor physical conditions of work place. * Mismatch of workers with the job. * Unplanned changes in schedules & procedures. * Non–availability of proper tools, machines & equipment. * Tight & highly rigid production standards. * Failure to maintain proper discipline. * Poor relationship with immediate boss. II) Grievances resulted from the management policy: * Wage rate & method of wage payment. * Leave. * Overtime. * Promotion, Demotion and Discharge. * Lack of opportunity for career growth. * Lack of role clarity. * Penalties imposed for misconduct. * Hostility towards trade unions. III) Grievance resulted from personal maladjustment: * Over ambition. * Excessive self-esteem. * Impressed attitude to life. * Poor self-esteem. IV) Grievances resulted from violations: * Collective bargaining agreement. * Central or state laws. * Responsibilities of management. * Company rules & regulations.Bethel and others have been given typical examples of workers grievance:i. Concerning wages : a. Demand for individual adjustment: the worker feels that he is underpaid b. Complaints above incentives: piece rates are too low or too complicated c. Mistakes in calculating the wages of the workerii. Concerning supervision: a. Complaints against discipline : the foreman picks on him: in adequate instruction given for job performance b. Objection to having a particular foreman: the foreman is playing favorites; the foreman ignores complaints c. Objection to the manner in which the general methods of supervision are used; there are too many rules; regulations are not clearly posted; supervision indulges in a great deal of snooping.iii. Concerning individual advancement: a. Complaint that the employee’s record of continuous service has been unfairly broken b. Complaints that the claims of senior persons have been ignored; that seriously has been wrongly determined; that younger workers have been promoted ahead of older and more experienced employees c. Charges are made disciplinary discharged are lay-off has been unfair; that the penalty is too severe for the offence that is supposed to have been committed; that the company wanted to get a rid of the employees; hence the charges against himiv. General working conditions: a. Complaints about toilet facilities being in adequate; about in adequate and I or dirty lunch rooms b. Complaints about working condition, which can be easily corrected; overtime is unnecessary; an employee loses too much time because materials are not supplied to him in timingv. Collective bargaining:The company is attempting to undermine the trade union and the workers who belong to that union the contract with labor have been violated. The company does not deal effectively or expeditiously with union Grievance.EFFECTS OF GRIEVANCES:Grievances, if they are not identified and redressed, may affect adversely the workers, managers and their organization. The effects include: 4. On production: * Low quality of production * Low quality of production and productivity * Increase in the wastage of material, spoilage/leakage of machinery. * Increase in the cost of production per unit. 5. On employees: * Increase in the rate of absenteeism and turnover * Reduces the level of commitment, sincerity and punctuality. * Increases the incidence of accidents. * Reduces the level of employee morale. 6. On managers: * Strains the superior-subordinate relations. * Increases the degree of supervision, control and follow up. * Increases in disciplinary action cases. * Increases in unrest and, thereby, machinery to maintain industrial peace.IDENTIFICATION OF GRIEVANCE:Grievance should be redressed by adopting proactive approach rather than waiting for the Grievance to be brought to the notice of the management. A proactive approach for Grievance redressal helps the management to take action for modifying those factors that are responsible. For the emergence of Grievance while in reactive approach a particular Grievance gets redressed but its underlying problems unless this problem is overcome redressal of a Grievance may be temporary solution. It is often said that a good management redresses Grievance as they arise excellent management anticipates them and prevents them for arising. For adapting proactive approach to Grievance management, it is essential to identify the nature of Grievance and the underlying factors. The management can be through four methods of identifying Grievance exit interview, gripe box system opinion surveys and open-door policy. 1) Exit interview:An employee may leave the organization either because of his dissatisfaction with the organization or because of greener pasture somewhere else. Exit interview if conducted properly, elicits important information about various aspects of the organizational functioning relevant to employees such information is more valuable than the information elicited by the existing employees as they may not be frank enough to express Themselves fully. They may avoid much relevant information as they see their career linked to the organization and frank expression of their views may jeopardize their career. In an exit interview, there is no such inhibition. 2) Gripe box systems:On the pattern of suggestion box system, the management can use gripe box system to collect information about grievance from the employees. If need be the employees many of encouraged to drop anonymous. Complaints as they may develop a feeling that they identify for reporting complaints many invite victimization especially when the complaints relate to management or supervision styles and other personal matters. This methods more appropriate in them organization where there is lack of trust and understanding between employees and their supervisors. 3) Opinion surveys:Opinion surveys conducted periodically on the employee related issues provide relevant information about the state of grievance among them; such surveys may be in the form of morale surveys attitude survey or a more comprehensive survey including all the above aspects. These surveys encourage the employees to express their views more openly as these are conducted by persons who are not the supervisors of the employees, further the employees identify is not disclosed. Alternatives to formal surveys may be group meetings, periodicals interviews, collective bargaining sessions, and informal get-together through which the information about the current state of grievance may be collected. 4) Open door policy:Open door policy implies that the employees are invited to discuss their problem freely and frankly at any time or drop their complaints to the relevant manager’s room at any time. The basic objective of an open door policy is to encourage upward communication. However open door policy works effectively when the mangers develop positive approach and keep their roars open physically and psychologically. In large organizations open door policy should be adopted at each successive management level.GUIDELINES:When processing grievances, there are several important guidelines to consider: * Check the grievant title and employment status to determine if he / she are included in a union eligible classification. * Note the supervisor’s respondent obligation under the grievance procedure. * Review the requested solution to the grievance. Determine if the relief sought is beyond a supervisor’s authority to grant. * Review all policies or other information related to the grievance. * Conduct a thorough investigation of the allegations. * Prepare a written response including the reason for the decision and provide a copy to the grievant. * Grievance materials should be maintained in a separate file from either personnel files or records.CERTAIN DO’S AND DON’TS IN HANDLING GRIEVANCE:Do’s1) Investigate and handle each and every case as though it may eventually result an arbitration hearing.2) Talk with the employee about his Grievance gives him a good and full hearing.3) Get the union to identify specific contractual provisions allegedly and violated.4) Enforce the contractual time limits.5) Comply with the contractual time limits for the company to handle a Grievance.6) Determine whether all the procedural requirements, as dictated by the agreements have been complied with.7) Visit the work area where the Grievance arose.8) Determine if there were any witness.9) Examine the relevant contract provisions and understand the contract thoroughly.10) Determine if there has been equal treatment of employees.11) Fully informed your own superior of Grievance matters.12) Satisfy the union’s right to relevant information.Don’t 1) Apply the Grievance remedy to an improper Grievance. 2) Hold back the remedies if the comply is wrong. 3) Give long written Grievance answers. 4) Admit the binding effect of part practice. 5) Make mutual consent agreements regarding future action. 6) Bargain over items not covered by the contract act. 7) Argue Grievance issues off the work premises. 8) Settle a Grievance when you are in doubt. 9) Support another supervisor in a hopeless case. 10) Agree to informal amendments in the contract.DESIRABLE FEATURES OF A GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE:A Grievance procedure should incorporate the following features:1) Conformity with existing legislation:The procedure should be designed to supplement the existing statutory provision. Where practicable, the procedure can make use of such machinery as the law might have already provided for.2) Acceptability:The Grievance procedure must be accepted by everybody. In order to be generally acceptable if must ensure(a) A sense of fair-play and justice to the work(b) Reasonable exercise of authority to the manager, and(c) Adequate participation of the union3) Simplicity:The procedure should be simple enough to be understood by every employee. The step should be as few as possible. Channels for handling Grievance should be carefully developed. Employees must know the authorities to be contacted at various levels. Information about the procedure can be thoroughly disseminated among all employees through pictures, charts, diagrams, etc.4) Promptness:Speedy settlement of a Grievance is the cornerstone of a sound personal policy. Justice delayed is justice denied. The procedure should aim at a rapid disposal of the Grievance. This can be achieved by incorporating the following features in the procedure. e) As for as possible Grievance should be settled at the lowest level. f) No matter should ordinarily be taken up at more than two level i.e. normally there should be only one appeal. g) Different types of grievance may be referred to appropriate authorities. It may be useful to classify grievances as those arising from personnel relationship and others arising out of conditions of employment. In the former case, a grievance should be taken up, in the first instance, with the authority in the line management immediately above the officer against whom the complaint is made. Thereafter, the matter may go to the grievance committee comprising reprehensive of management and worker other grievance should be taken up in the first instance, with the authority designated by the management. Thereafter, a reference may be made to the grievance committee and finally to the top management.d) Time limit should be placed at each step and it should be rigidly followed at each level.5) Training:In order to ensure effective working of the grievance procedure it is necessary that supervisors and the union representatives are given training in grievance handling.6) Follow up:The working of the procedure should be reviewed periodically by the personnel department and necessary structural changes introduced to make it more effective.SETTLEMENT OF GRIEVANCE:Aggrieved Employee
Aggrieved Employee
Departmental Representative
Departmental Representative
Head of Department
Head of Department 4 Grievance Committee
Grievance Committee 8 3 H D Chief Executive
Chief Executive O A 7 U Y R S D S Voluntary Arbitration
Voluntary Arbitration A 7 Y S D A Y SS E T T L E M E N T OF G R I E V A N C E
GRIEVANCE HANDLING PROCEDURE:Every management should lay down a procedure for handling the grievances redressed. There is no legislative provision for a well-defined and adequate grievance procedure. The management can adopt any of the following two procedures of grievance handling: A. Common Procedure:Clause 15 of model standing orders provides that “all complaints arising out of employment shall be submitted to the manager of the other person specified in this behalf with the right of appeal to the employer.”The usual, common and informal procedure is first to approach the immediate supervisor for the grievance and failing to get a satisfactory answer the second step is to go directly to the departmental head or personnel relation officer in the personnel department. If the worker is not satisfied here also he should approach to the top executive, but is very rarely sorted to.Sometimes companies provide that if the complaint remains unsatisfied from the response of the top executive, the grievance should be referred to the arbitration or joint grievance committee consisting of the representatives of both the parties. The decision of the committee should be final. B. Model Grievance Procedure:The draft model grievance procedure accepted by the labor conference in 1958 is as follows: * An aggrieved employee shall present his grievance verbally in the person to the officer designated by the management for this purpose. The officer shall give the response within 48 hours of the presentation of the complaint. If the worker is not satisfied with the decision of the officer or fails to receive the answer within 48 hours, he will present his grievance to the head of the department. * The head of the department shall give his answer within 3 days or if action cannot be taken within this period, the reason for delay should be recorded. If the worker is dissatisfied with the decision of the department head, he may request that his grievance be forwarded to the grievance committee. * The grievance committee shall make its recommendation to the manager within 7 days of the worker’s request. If the decision cannot be taken within this period, reason should be recorded. Unanimous decision of the committee shall be implemented by the management. If there is difference of opinion among the members of the committee, the matter shall be referred to manager along with the views of the members and the relevant papers for final decision. * In either case, the final decision of the matter shall be communicated to the employee within three days from the receipt of the grievance committee recommendations. * If the worker is not satisfied even with the final decision of the manager, he may have the right to appeal to the manager for the revision. In making this appeal, he may take a union official along with him to facilitate discussion with the management. The management will communicate the decision within 7 days of workman’s revision petition. * If the worker is still not satisfied, the matter may be referred to the voluntary arbitration. * Where a worker has taken a grievance for redressal under the grievance procedure, the formal conciliation machinery shall not intervene till all steps in the procedure have exhausted. A grievance shall be presumed to assume the form of a dispute only when the final decision of the top management is turned down by the worker. The grievance committee shall consist of 4 to 6 members.This is the model procedure of grievance handling. The organization may make the necessary amendments wherever it thinks proper in the procedure with the consent of the workers or trade union.BENEFITS OF HAVING GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: * The grievance procedure provides a means for identifying practices, procedures, and administrative policies that are causing employee complaints so that changes can beconsidered. * They reduce costly employment suits. * A grievance procedure allows managers to establish a uniform labor policy. * A grievance system can be a reliable mechanism to learn of, and resolve employee dissatisfaction. It can produce early settlements to disputes or provide for correction of contested employment issues.GRIEVANCEHANDLING PROCEDURE:Every managementshouldlay down a procedurefor handlingthe grievances redressed. Thereis nolegislative provision for awelldefined and adequate grievance procedure. The managementcan adoptanyofthe followingtwo procedure of grievance handling:GRIEVANCE HANDLING PROCEDURE IN SMALL COMPANY: Arbitration
Company Union Representative RepresentativeLocal Union Representative
Local Union Representative
Owner of manager
Owner of manager
Step 2Union Steward
Union Steward
Step 1Employee
Union Representative Step 5 Regional Union Representative
Regional Union Representative
Company Personnel Officer
Company Personnel Officer Step 4 Company Union Grievance Committee
Company Union Grievance Committee Step 3 Departmental Head
Departmental Head
Chief Steward
Chief Steward Step 2 Supervisor
Union Steward
Union Steward Step 1Employee
CHAPTER 3Grievance Redressal Mechanism of RIL-AMD Grievance Redressal Mechanism of RIL-AMD Grievance handling mechanism at RIL-AMD has a set procedure which is to be followed by each and every employee of the unit. Besides this procedure there are meetings at regular interval between the management and workers in order to prevent grievances. Basically there are three ways of handling grievances at RIL-AMD. * Formal procedure * Informal procedure * ESS(employee self-service) system 1. The FORMAL procedure : A grievance procedure shall be set up as per Annexure – B in the ‘Certified Standing Orders of the Workmen” of RIL-AMD and a workman shall first exhaust the remedies provided there under before going in other proceeding provided under any law. Grievance Settlement Procedure in the ‘Certified Standing Orders of the Workmen’ of RIL-AMD is given as 1) Any aggrieved workman may approach his immediate supervisor for the redressal of any complaint regarding his work condition pertaining to the work etc. The supervisor will look into the complaint, discuss with his departmental Head if necessary, who will in turn, consult the Personnel Department if necessary and give a reply to the aggrieved workman within a period of 3 days to one week. 2) If the aggrieved workman is not satisfied with the reply received from his supervisor, he may approach his departmental Head, who will, in turn investigate the matter personally and give a reply within a further period of three days to one week. 3) If the concerned workman is still not satisfied, he may approach the Head of the Personnel & Administration Dept. / Factory Manager either personally or in writing for the redressal of his complaint. The Head of P & A / Factory Manager will look into the complaint and the reply given by him will be final in the matter. Such a reply will be given generally within a month. 4) If it is necessary for the workman to leave the work place on a call from any authority under this procedure, previous permission from his immediate supervisor should be obtained. 5) Where a workman has taken up a grievance for redressal under this procedure, the formal conciliation machinery shall not intervene till all steps in the procedure are exhausted. In case of collective bargaining, the management set a meeting which consists of all the key people of management, the Head of Personnel & Administration Dept. /factory manager, GM, DM and the Trade union. 2. The INFORMAL procedure : This procedure is mostly followed at all the levels of the unit and according to RIL-AMD, this is considered as the best method of resolving grievance in a most effective and efficient way. In this method the aggrieved employee can tell his complaint directly to his immediate supervisor or HOD or HRD. The emphasis is on resolving the grievance as soon as possible so that aggrieved employee is satisfied with the decision taken by the concerned party and there is no delay in the production function. This procedure is mainly followed when complaints are not so big. 3. EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE (ESS) system: ESS enables employees to interact with the SAP HR database, to view and maintain their personal data. ESS provides them with a host of services and reports, in the following areas- Employee directory Payroll reports Personal data CTC choice pay Leave & Regularization and much more. This system was implemented in 1995 for the purpose of recording all the details of the employees and making it accessible by each employee with the help of their secret username and password. The main aim of this system is to resolve complaints of the employees in an organized and easy way without any delay in the response. It is a mechanism used for resolving complaints at individual level. In this system employees can update their data themselves and can access it whenever they desire for the same. They can also ask QUERY anytime related to their job through QMS (Query Management System). The answers to these queries are given by either of the two groups, the first group consists of HR managers at RIL-AMD and the second group consists of expertise from the RIL corporate office, Navi Mumbai. At RIL-AMD the queries are mainly handled by Mr. Nagendra Bahadur (HR Executive) and Mr. Manoj Saxena (HR manager-T&D). The Share Services Team of QMS front office in Navi Mumbai consists of following persons: 1. G M Sundaram 2. Wahitha Madhavan 3. Jagruti Patwardhan 4. Harish Bhatia 5. Shonu Joseph 6. Varoth Kanath Gopalan An overview of web pages showing the ESS System of RIL-AMD,Sources: HRD, Reliance Industries Limited, Allahabad. Sources: HRD, Reliance Industries Limited, Allahabad.Sources: HRD, Reliance Industries Limited, Allahabad.Sources: HRD, Reliance Industries Limited, Allahabad.CHAPTER 4RESEARCH METHODOLOGYINTRODUCTION for the study: 1. The aim of the study is to find whether the grievance handling mechanism ensures that employee’s problems are recognized and appropriately reviewed in a prompt and timely manner. 2. The grievance mechanism acts as a foundation for a harmonious and healthy relationship between employee and employer. 3. The grievance mechanism ensures a fair and just treatment of employee’s concerns and prompt resolution of grievances without discrimination, coercion, restraint or reprisal against any employee who may submit or be involved in a grievance.SCOPE OF THE STUDY: * This study facilitates the management for further improvement on the same. * This study will be useful when similar kind of research is undertaken. * The scope of the study is to identify the grievance and reduce it to a lower rate. * The research is a contribution to developing new knowledge in the discipline of grievance management * The research will facilitate policy and strategic development to Human Resource Managers and organizations in grievance management.OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY:Primary Objective:To study the effectiveness and impact of grievance redressal mechanism on job satisfaction.Secondary Objectives:To study and throw some light on the various aspects of grievances and grievance handling mechanism. Some of them are as follows:1). To identify whether the grievance handling system leads to a favorable attitude towards the management or not.2). Factors that mostly lead to conflicts among the employees of the organization3). Procedure adopted for grievance handling4). To know the level of satisfaction towards the grievance handling procedure of the organization5). To identify that the grievance handling system leads to a mutual understanding between workers and the management6). To identify the factors influencing the effectiveness of the grievance handling in the organization.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:Research as an activity is directed at "The Systematic search for pertinent information on a topic". Research is directed towards the solution of a problem. Motivation for research comes from inquisitiveness and dissatisfaction .Research emphasizes upon development of generalization, principles or theories that will be helpful in predicting future occurrences. It adds something to existing knowledge.Research Objectives:The main objective of the study is:• To learn the application of theories in real industrial situations.• To study the fluctuation of HR in industrial practical scenario.• To know more about the topic "Evaluation of Grievance Redressal Mechanism".• To check whether the employees at RIL are satisfied or not with the grievance procedure.• To find out the Employee Job satisfaction level at RIL.• To find out the gap areas.• To find the reason for the existence of a gap.• To extend the recommendation and suggestions.Problem Statement:The main problem that I am going to discuss in the research work is that whether the employees at RIL are satisfied from "Grievance redressal mechanism" to increase the productivity of the organization and if not then what is the reason for the existence of the deviation and what can be done to overcome the existing gap.Research Design: Descriptive type.Research design is the specification of the method and procedure for acquiring the information needed to solve the problem. Descriptive research is essentially a fact finding related largely to the present, abstracting generations by cross sectional study of the current situation.Descriptive Research Aims * To portray the characteristics of a particular individual situation or group (with or without specific initial hypothesis about the nature of this characteristics). * To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else (usually, but not always, with a specific initial hypothesis).The research design followed for this research study is descriptive research design where we find a solution to an existing problem. The problem of this study is to find the effectiveness of Grievance Handling at RIL-AMD.Method of Data Collection: A) Primary Data:1. Questionnaire method.2. Personal interview.3. Observation Method.4. Discussion with management.B) Secondary Data:1. Company Annual Report.2. Company Journal.3. Official record, information of HRD and other departments.4. Journals from library.5. Text Books.6. Academic Reports.7. Websites.DATA COLLECTON:Data sources:- Primary and secondaryResearch Approaches:- Survey methodResearch Instrument:- QuestionnairesContact Method:- Personal InterviewThe information was collected from both plant workers as well as from management staff.Sampling Design: * Sampling Place-------------------------- RIL-AMD. * Sampling Frame------------------------- Respondents from various departments of Reliance Industries Ltd. * Sampling Size---------------------------- 100. * Sampling Technique--------------------- Simple Random Sampling. The study covered samples of management members of RIL-AMD, Human Resource personnel, union officials and workers.Research Instruments: * Questionnaire was used as a source of evidence and various observations were done on that basis. * The questionnaire prepared was a structured questionnaire in which there were definite, concrete and pre-determined questions. * The questions were presented exactly in the same wording and in the same order to all respondents. * The questionnaire consisted of the closed as well as open questions and a number of questions involving both specific and general question related to the study topic. But most of the questions were limited with the fixed alternative answers in which responses of the Respondents were limited to these alternatives only.The questions and the answers of the questionnaire were specified and the comments of the respondents in their own words were kept to the minimum.Research Approach: * Responses were taken from the general mass of employees during the visit to the plant. * Evidence was collected by survey approach and type of research was descriptive type.Method of Data Analysis: * Data presentation done in graphical form or charts which are classified as pie-chart, bar chart, stacked bar chart, histogram, etc. * Mainly primary data was used in the research work.Data Analysis Tool: * Percentage Analysis. * Weighted Average Method. * Karl Pearson’s Correlation Analysis. * Chi Square Test. * Appropriate data interpretations have been used for the analysis. I) Percentage Method: Percentage refers to a special kind of ration. Percentages are used in making comparison between two or more series of data. Percentages are used to describe relationship. Percentages can also be used to compare the relative terms the distribution of two or more series of data. No. of Respondent Percentage of Respondent = x 100 Total no. of Respondent II) Weighted Average method: Weighted average is assigning weight of different relative item. The weight stands for the relative importance for the different items. The formula for computing weighted average is XW = wx / x
XW = E(wx) / EW
XW = wx / x
XW = E(wx) / EW Where XW represents the weighted average X represent then variable values x1, x2....xn. W represents weights attached to variable values is w1, w2....wn. III) Correlation: Correlation analysis deals with the association between two or more variables. It does not tell anything about cause and effect relationship. Correlation is described or classified in several different ways. Three of the most important ways of classifying correlation are : 1. Positive and Negative 2. Simple, Multiple and Partial 3. Linear and Non-Linear Karl Pearson’s method is popularly known as Pearson’s coefficient of correlation. It is denoted by the symbol ‘r’. xy Formula for Karl Pearson’s coefficient r = √∑x2 * ∑y2 The value of the coefficient of correlation as obtained by the above formula shall always lie between +1 and -1. When r = 1, it means there is perfect positive correlation between variables. When r = -1, it means there is perfect negative correlation between variables. When r = 0, it means no relationship between variables. IV) Chi-square test: 2 ᴪ = ∑ (O-E)2 \ E
2 ᴪ = ∑ (O-E)2 \ E O - Observed Frequency E - Expected frequency E=(RT*CT)/ N RT= The row total for the row containing cell CT= The column total for the column containing the cell N= The Total No. Of observations The quality 2ᴪ describes the magnitude of the discrepancy between theory and observations. The calculated value of 2ᴪ is compared with the value 2ᴪ for given degrees of freedom at a certain specified level of significance. If the calculated value of 2ᴪ is more than table value of 2ᴪ the difference between theory and observations on considered to be signification. If one of the other hands the calculated value of 2ᴪ is less than the table value the difference between theory and observations is not considered as significant. Uses: a. It is used as a test of independence. b. It is used to test goodness of fit.E - Expected frequencyLIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: * The time durations for interviewing were only short period and employees are called while they are at work. The average time to response was 5-6 minutes only. * Some respondents hesitated to answer to certain queries. * Many of the surveyed people did not reply all the questions. * People response may be based owing to a variety of reasons such as common beliefs and education background. * The time period given for study was very limited. * The sample size was restricted to 100. CHAPTER 5Data Analysis And Interpretation |
1) Distribution of respondents based on age:
Table - 5.1
S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | 20 – 35 years | 35 | 35% | 2 | 36 – 50 years | 55 | 55% | 3 | 50 years above | 10 | 10% | | Total | 100 | 100% |
Chart - 5.1
The table shows that 55 % of the respondents fall under the age group of 20 – 35and 35% of the respondents are under the age group of 36 – 50 and 10% of the respondents are above 50.
2) Distribution of respondent based on qualification:
Table - 5.2
S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | High School | 45 | 45% | 2 | Intermediate | 35 | 35% | 3 | Graduation | 12 | 12% | 4 | Professional Course/PG | 8 | 8% | | Total | 100 | 100% |
Chart - 5.2
The table shows that 45 % of the respondents are high school passed; 35% are intermediate; 12% are graduate and 8% have professional qualifications/PG.
3) Distribution of respondents based on departments of RIL-AMD:
Table – 5.3
S. No. | Departments | Total Strength | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | Accounts | 25 | 10 | 10% | 2 | Administration | 10 | 2 | 2% | 3 | Engineering | 176 | 23 | 23% | 4 | HR | 20 | 8 | 8% | 5 | Production | 298 | 40 | 40% | 6 | Purchase | 50 | 12 | 12% | 7 | Safety & Security | 21 | 5 | 5% | | Total | 600 | 100 | 100% |
Chart – 5.3
Accounts 25
Safety & Security10
Purchase Engineering50
Population Sample Size Production HR Samples from Each Department
Above distribution indicates that employees’ responses collected from different departments vary as per their total strength. Most of the respondents are from Production dept. and least number is from administration dept. 4) Distribution of respondent based on work experience in RIL-AMD:
Table – 5.4
S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | 1 – 10 years | 10 | 10% | 2 | 11 – 20 years | 70 | 70% | 3 | 21 – 30 years | 20 | 20% | 4 | 30 years & above | - | - | | Total | 100 | 100% |
Chart – 5.4
The table shows that 10% of the respondents are basically 1 – 10 years of experience in the organization, 70% of the respondents are 11 – 20 years of experience and 20% of the respondents are 21 – 30 years of experience in the organization.
5) Distribution of respondents towards awareness of grievance redressal committee of the company, its members and the monthly meeting of the committee Table – 5.5 S. No. | Particulars | Yes | No | Total | 1 | Awareness about committee | 97 | 3 | 100 | 2 | Awareness about committee members | 93 | 7 | 100 | 3 | Awareness about monthly committee meeting | 95 | 5 | 100 | | Average | 95 | 5 | - | | Percentage | 95% | 5% | - | Chart – 5.5 Inference:
From the above table it is inferred that 74% of the employees are aware about the grievance redressal committee of the company, its members and about the committee meeting that is held every month in the company and 26% of the employees are not aware about any of the above. 6) Distribution of respondents regarding their choice of grievance procedures:
Table – 5.6
S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | Formal | 10 | 10% | 2 | Informal | 50 | 50% | 3 | ESS | 40 | 40% | | Total | 100 | 100% |
Chart – 5.6
From the above table it is inferred that 50% i.e. half of the population likes the informal procedure of grievance handling and 40% likes the Employee self-service system and the rest 10% of the employees go for Formal grievance redressal mechanism.
7) Distribution of respondents regarding whom they redress for grievance in case of informal mechanism:
Table – 5.7
S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | H.R.D | 4 | 4% | 2 | H.O.D | 5 | 5% | 3 | Manager | 10 | 10% | 4 | Supervisor | 80 | 80% | 5 | Trade Union | 1 | 1% | | Total | 100 | 100 |
Chart – 5.7
From the above table it is inferred that 4% of respondents communicate grievances through Human Resource Department, 5% through Head of Department, 10% through Manager, 1% through Trade union and maximum of 80% employees redress their grievances through supervisor / immediate supervisor.
8) Distribution of respondent based on causes of grievances:
Table – 5.8
S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | Management Policy | 34 | 34% | 2 | Supervision | 5 | 5% | 3 | Individual Advancement | 46 | 46% | 4 | Working Condition | 12 | 12% | 5 | Violation | 3 | 3% | | Total | 100 | 100% |
Chart – 5.8
Above table clearly shows that most of the employees have grievances related to individual advancement but these grievances are imaginary in nature since the expectation of these employees are not fulfilled by the organization; 34% are aggrieved mainly due management policy and only 3% think that it is because of violation.
9) Distribution of respondents towards mechanisms followed resolve grievance or not:
Table – 5.9
S. No. | Mechanisms | Yes | No | Total | 1 | Formal | 95 | 5 | 100 | 2 | Informal | 99 | 1 | 100 | 3 | ESS | 100 | - | 100 | | Average | 98 | 2 | - | | Percentage | 98% | 2% | - |
Chart – 5.9
From the above table it is inferred that 98% of respondents agree that mechanisms resolve grievance and 2% of respondents disagree that mechanisms do not resolve grievance.
10) Distribution of respondents based on duration to settle grievances: Table – 5.10 S. No. | Procedures | Within one day | 1 – 15days | 15 – 30 days | Total | 1 | Formal | 20 | 60 | 20 | 100 | 2 | Informal | 90 | 10 | - | 100 | 3 | ESS | 80 | 20 | - | 100 | | Average | 63.3 | 30 | 6.7 | - | | Percentage | 63.3% | 30% | 6.7% | - | Chart – 5.10
Inference: The table estimates that 63.3% of the respondents says that their grievance are settled in within one day and 30% of the respondents says that their grievance are settled in 1-15 days and 6.7% of the respondents says that their grievance are settled in 15-30 days.
11) Distribution of respondents towards decision given by management regarding grievances: Table – 5.11 S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | Highly satisfactory | 89 | 89% | 2 | Moderately satisfactory | 11 | 11% | | Total | 100 | 100% |
Chart – 5.11
From the above table it is inferred that 89% of respondents are highly satisfied towards the decision given by the management and 11% of respondents are moderately satisfied towards the decision.
12) Distribution of respondents regarding employees comfort level with the rules and policies of the organization:
Table – 5.12
S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | Yes | 70 | 70% | 2 | No | 10 | 10% | 3 | Sometimes | 20 | 20% | | Total | 100 | 100% |
Chart – 5.12
From the above graph it can be seen that a big percentage of employees are satisfied with the rules of the organization which is a good thing. But the rest of the employees don’t seem to be satisfied with the rules of the organization and RIL should make an effort to satisfy all its employees with the necessary changes.
13) Distribution of respondents based on their feeling about the functioning of trade union: Table – 5.13 S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | effective | 75 | 75% | 2 | partially effective | 22 | 22% | 3 | not effective | 3 | 3% | | Total | 100 | 100% | Chart – 5.13 Inference:
Distribution in the above table shows that 75% of the employees think that trade union is doing a good job in handling grievances at individual as well as at mass level; 22% of them think that trade union do not contribute much in dealing with complaints and only 3% of employees are not in favor of trade union. Duration to settle the grievance 14) Distribution of respondents based on employees relations with their superiors, peers and subordinates.
Table – 5.14
S. No. | Options | No. of Respondent | Percentage | 1 | Good | 94 | 94% | 2 | Average | 5 | 5% | 3 | Bad | 1 | 1% | | Total | 100 | 100% |
Chart – 5.14
As seen from the above table, it can be inferred that the employees working in the organization have very good relationship among themselves and thus a good environment prevails in the organization.
15) Distribution of respondents based on job satisfaction at RIL-AMD.
Table – 5.15
S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | Yes | 91 | 91% | 2 | No | 9 | 9% | | Total | 100 | 100% |
Chart – 5.15
Inference: Keeping all the factors in mind, it can be inferred that almost all the employees are satisfied with their job at RIL and it is the job of the organization to think towards the welfare of the organization in order to maintain the trust which the employees have in their organization. On the other side, the rest 10% of employees are not satisfied with their job due to some grievances arising out of their working condition, leaves, facilities or relationship with others, which the organization has to look forward in order to retain these 10% of employees.
16) Distribution of respondents based on Opinion about remedial measures:
Table – 5.16
S. No. | Options | Number of Respondents | Percentage | 1 | Routine meeting with regard to grievance | 62 | 62% | 2 | Proper counseling | 12 | 12% | 3 | Settlement of grievance should be prompt | 26 | 26% | | Total | 100 | 100% |
Chart – 5.16
26% of the respondents need settlement of grievance should be prompt and 62% of the respondents need routine meeting with regard to grievance and only 12% of the respondents need proper counseling.
17) Distribution of respondents based on Welfare Facilities: Table – 5.17 S. No. | Facilities | Good | Fair | Poor | 1 | Canteen | 5 | 15 | 80 | 2 | Transportation | 20 | 50 | 30 | 3 | Medical | 36 | 52 | 12 | 4 | Uniform | 10 | 55 | 35 | 5 | Other Allowances | 80 | 12 | 8 | Weighted Average Mean: Formula:
XW = wx / x
XW represents the weighted average
X represent then variable values x1, x2....xn.
W represents weights attached to variable values is w1, w2....wn.
The weights 3, 2, 1 are assigned to ratings Good, Fair, and Poor respectively in the formula of weighted mean. The respective weighted average means are shown below. Canteen = (15+30+80) ÷ 100 = 1.25 Transportation = (60+100+30) ÷ 100 = 1.90 Medical = (108+104+12) ÷ 100 = 2.24 Uniform = (30+110+35) ÷ 100 = 1.75 Allowances = (240+24+8) ÷ 100 = 2.72
Chart – 5.17
Inference: The above table shows that highest value of 2.72 of the respondents feels that other allowances like housing accommodation and education facilities are excellent and 1.25 of the respondents feels that canteen facility is not up to the mark. The other two facilities which the employees think that they need to be improved are uniform availability and transport maintenance. As far as medical facility is concerned, employees feel that it is moderate and need little improvement.
18) To know whether there is correlation between feel about decision given and real basis identification
Table: 5.18 (a)
Real Basis Identification | Total | Strongly Agree | Agree | | Feel About Decision Given | Highly Satisfactory | 73 | 17 | 90 | | Moderately Satisfactory | 5 | 5 | 10 | Total | 78 | 22 | 100 | Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation is used to identify relationship if any between feel about decision given and real basis identification. Formula: r = xyx2. y2
Table: 5.18 (b)
Values for correlation
X | Y | x = X - X | x2 | y = Y - Y | y2 | xy | 73 | 17 | 34 | 1156 | 6 | 36 | 204 | 5 | 5 | -34 | 1156 | -6 | 36 | 204 | X=78 | Y= 22 | | x2=2312 | | y2=72 | xy=408 |
Substituting the values from the above table, we get
X = Xn = 782 = 39 Y = Yn = 222 = 11 r = xyx2. y2 = 4082312 ×72 = 408166464 = 408 408 = 1 r = 1
Chart – 5.18
Since the value of r is equal to one, the variables are positively correlated; this shows that variation in one variable will cause variation in another. It means if there is variation in Real Basis Identification then there is also variation in Feel About Decision Given. 19) To know whether there is Correlation between education qualification and career development program: Table – 5.19(a) Educational Qualification | Career Development Program | | Yes | No | Total | 10th | 34 | 15 | 49 | 12th | 19 | 11 | 30 | UG | 11 | 2 | 13 | PG | 5 | 3 | 8 | Total | 69 | 31 | 100 | Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation is used to identify relationship if any between employee qualification and career development. Table – 5.19(b)
Values for correlation X | Y | x = X - X | x2 | y = Y - Y | y2 | xy | 34 | 15 | 16.75 | 280.56 | 7.25 | 52.56 | 121.44 | 19 | 11 | 1.75 | 3.06 | 3.25 | 10.56 | 5.69 | 11 | 2 | -6.25 | 39.06 | -5.75 | 33.06 | 35.94 | 5 | 3 | -12.25 | 150.06 | -4.75 | 22.56 | 58.19 | X= 69 | Y= 31 | | x2 = 472.74 | | y2 = 118.74 | xy = 221.26 | Substituting the values from the above table, we get
X = Xn = 694 = 17.25 Y = Yn = 314 = 7.75 r = xyx2. y2 = 221.26472.74 ×118.74 = 221.26236.92 = 0.934 r = 0.934 Chart – 5.19 Inference: The correlation value is found to be 0.934. There is a positive correlation between educational qualification and career development programs. When one variable changes the other variable also changes.
20) Satisfaction level of the employees for the grievance resolving procedure of the company based on their experience.
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant association between the experience and the satisfaction level of the employees in the grievance resolving procedure of the employees. Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant association between the experience and the satisfaction level of the employees in the grievance resolving procedure of the employees.
Table – 5.20(a)
Experience | Highly Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Total | 1 – 10 years | 21 | 34 | 26 | 81 | 11 – 20 years | 5 | 5 | 3 | 13 | Above 21 years | 3 | 0 | 3 | 6 | Total | 29 | 39 | 32 | 100 |
Table – 5.20(b)
Experience | Highly Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Total | 1 – 10 years | 23 | 32 | 26 | 81 | 11 – 20 years | 4 | 5 | 4 | 13 | Above 21 years | 2 | 2 | 2 | 6 | Total | 29 | 39 | 32 | 100 |
Table – 5.20(c)
O | E | O - E | (O – E) 2 | (O – E) 2 / E | 21 | 23 | -2 | 4 | 0.174 | 34 | 32 | 2 | 4 | 0.125 | 26 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0.25 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 4 | -1 | 1 | 0.25 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0.5 | 0 | 2 | -2 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0.5 | | | | Total | 3.799 |
Degree of Freedom = (r – 1) (c – 1)
= (3 – 1) (3 – 1) = 4
Table value for Chi Square for 4 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance = 9.488
RESULT: Calculated value < Table value
Therefore null hypothesis is accepted. Hence there is no significant association between the experience and the satisfaction level of the employees in the grievance resolving procedure of the employees.
Chart – 5.20
Findings, Suggestions,
The survey mainly consists of the primary data which is used in the research work. The primary data were collected through questionnaire, personal interview and observation method; the respective findings are as follows:
Findings through Questionnaire: 1. 55% of the respondents are between the age group of 36-50 years. 2. 45% of respondents are qualified up to higher secondary and 8% of the respondents have done post-graduation. 3. 40% of the respondents are from the production department, 23% are from the engineering department, 8% of the respondents are from the HR department and the rest are from the other departments like accounts; purchase etc. depending upon their respective strength. 4. 70% of the respondents have 11 – 20 years of experience in the organization. 5. 95% of the respondents are aware of the various grievance redressal committee of the company, its members and the monthly meeting of the committee that are framed for redressing their grievance. 6. Half of the population likes the informal procedure of grievance handling and 40% likes the Employee self-service system and the rest 10% of the employees go for Formal grievance redressal mechanism of the company. 7. 80% of the respondents communicate grievances to their supervisor in case of informal channel. 8. 46% of the employees have grievances related to individual advancement but these grievances are imaginary in nature since the expectation of these employees cannot be fulfilled by the organization. 9. 98% of the respondents agree that mechanism being followed resolves their grievance. 10. According to 63.3% of the respondents it hardly takes one day to settle their grievance. 11. 89% of the respondents are highly satisfied towards the decision given by the management. 12. 70% of employees are satisfied with the rules and policies of the organization which is considered as a good percentage from company’s point of view. 13. Commenting about the functioning of trade union 75% of them have favored for the effectiveness of the trade union. 14. There is healthy relationship between workers and the management and around 94% of the respondents have good relationship with their superiors, peers and subordinates. 15. 91% of the respondents are satisfied with their present job. 16. About 62% of the respondents need routine meeting with regard to grievance. 17. Welfare facility like canteen facility is not satisfactory when compared to facilities like medical, uniform, transportation and other allowances. 18. 78% of the respondents strongly agree that real basis of their problem is identified. When there is deviation in the real basis identification it will be reflected in the level of satisfaction regarding decision given. 19. More than half of the respondents agree with proper career development program of the company and there is positive correlation between educational qualification and career development program. 20. There is no significant association between the experience and the satisfaction level of the employees in the grievance resolving procedure of the employees.
Findings through Personal Interview and Observation Method:
The study reveals that most of the surveyed employees are satisfied with the methods adopted by the organization for redressing the grievances or complaints of the employees. The organization is recognizing the importance of satisfying the employees and retaining them.
As per the survey the Components of job satisfaction are:
* Opportunity for self-development * Job security * Prestige of the organization * Nature of work * Opportunity for promotion * Redressal of grievances
According to the research, the grievance redressal is the major factor of job satisfaction among employees of the organization but according to the respondents, conflict resolving procedure may not be an important function for the organization. The company may or may not follow any standard operating procedure. Most of the surveyed employees are satisfied with the method adopted by the organization for redressing the grievances or complaints of the employees which are based on randomize selection through informal channel adopted by the employees.
Some points which can be highlighted from the personal interview and observation methods are:
1) There is no strict grievance redressal procedure followed by the company. There is flexibility in filing the complaints through any of the three procedures viz.: formal, informal and ESS procedures. 2) The company follows the Standard Operating Procedure mentioned in the Annexure B of the Workmen’s Standing Orders in case of formal procedure followed by the company. 3) An informal redressal system exists in the company whereby the employees can randomly select anybody in the human resource department like human resource head or human resource manager or even the head of the department. 4) Most of the respondents believe that grievance redressal and the opportunities for self-development are some of the major components of job satisfaction. 5) Respondents believe that individual advancement like promotion, appraisal etc. are the important factor which leads to grievances among the employees of the organization. 6) Most of the employees would like to share their complaints and disappointments with their colleagues and supervisors instead of keeping it themselves. 7) Employees of the organization usually accommodate their needs or avoid the situation to resolve the conflicts. 8) Almost all the employees use ESS (employee self-service) system of the company to update their records and to sort out their day to day problems related to their work. 9) QMS (query management system) is provided in the ESS system which has been fully utilized by all the employees when need arises. 10) There is solidarity among the employees when there is any group grievance or collective bargaining. 11) According to the respondents the major requirements in the unit are house accommodation for workers, ambulance facility for their families, additional buses, and education facility for their children. 12) As per the responses from the employees; the areas which need improvement are canteen, buses, medical, and some part of management.
Human Resources are more valuable than other resources for the company development and company performance either in the field of quality or quantity production. A good environment and equipment must be built up by the factory management so that the workman should be careful from the domestic and social problems which occur in human life and his family.
The grievance should be open so that management can learn about them and try corrective action. For an established organization “Reliance Industries Limited” they can always try to improve their standard by making good psychological relationship with employees and by solving employees’ problems not only in the industrial but also in the family. The action taken by the management should make the employees change their character but not to confuse the life of the employees. So the handling of grievance by Reliance Industries Limited must be improved so as to induce a more comfortable working climate of the employees.
There is no doubt that RIL-AMD is trying its level best in achieving its goal and looking after its members but I do suggest some points which need an attention for facilitating the productivity of the employees that ultimately helps in enhancing the company image.
1) The main means of communicating the discipline and grievance procedures to employees is through the induction process when they joined the company so policies can be made in this regard. Job descriptions, responsibilities should be as clear as possible. Everyone should be informed of company’s goals and expectation including what is expected from each individual. 2) Conducting meeting at regular interval of one month instead of three months. 3) Informal counseling helps to address and manage grievances in the workplace and Proper Conflict management in the organization will be helpful to reduce the number of grievance rates. 4) The employees can further be educated by proper training of development program. Employees are in need of proper career development should be conducted at the regular intervals. 5) The union should enhance their participation in the individual grievance. 6) Some of the employees are not satisfied with the salary so measures can be taken to satisfy them. 7) Regarding welfare measures, RIL should upgrade the factory canteen. RIL should provide transport facility to those workmen also who are residing away from the factory campus as list in radius of 10km well in time. There should be a medical rest room for temporary rest in some emergency cases. Entertainment facility with library should also be provided so that the incumbent can recreate his health and mind before and after his duty. RIL should have arranged workman colony also for house accommodation near by the factory premises. It is not so easy task to provide it to all but it may be arranged in statements every year. Hence RIL should work in this field as per the availability of funds. 8) The cooperative society of employees should have to make effort for 100% coverage of the membership of the employees. A departmental consumer shop should be established by the cooperative society with the help and coordination of RIL to provide necessary things on reasonable subscribed rates to its employee. The loan given to the employee may also be covered by life insurance. 9) Suggestion boxes can be installed. This brings the problem or conflict of interest to light. Open door policy can be used. The barriers that exist between the various categories are to some extent broken by personal contact and mutual understanding. 10) Accident rates, Requests for transfers, Resignations, and disciplinary cases should be analyzed since they reveal the general patterns that are not apparent. 11) Temporary relief can be provided so that the delay does not increase frustration and anxiety of aggrieved employee and thereby not affecting his / her morale and productivity.
The suggestions when implemented will still more benefit the management as well as the organization.
"Language alters our perception of reality, because we see the world through words," writes Dr. David J. Lieberman. "Language is the basis of thought and thought is the extension of emotion." (Lieberman, David J. Get Anyone to Do Anything and Never Feel Powerless Again. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000). It is essential to use the right language during the entire grievance handling procedure to ensure successful outcomes.
Managers must address and redress the grievances in the initial stage itself. The grievance should not only be addressed and redressed but also seems to be redressed in the eyes of the involved parties.
One of the key services Human Resources provide is support to both academic and administrative leaders in the development of optimal human resource strategy. This includes acting as a resource in situations involving complaints and disputes and interpretation of collective agreements. Human Resources can play an integral role in minimizing the impact of conflict. Therefore, it is essential that Human Resources are contacted in the early stages of a dispute.
It is important for managers to keep the lines of communication open with their staff and to address problems as they arise. A sense of democracy and open communication without fear of reprisal will, most certainly, ensure better labor relations. If, however, a grievance is filed, it will have an impact on the individual, the unit, or on the interpretation of the collective agreement overall. In case of an individual grievance, the primary impact will be on the individual, but it may also influence the management of that unit and of the interpretation of the collective agreement. Grievance is a useful means by which to resolve issues, which is in the best interest of all parties.
Every management should have efficient handling employee grievances to ensure organizational excellence and effectiveness. Right mechanism, procedures and practices help ensure organizational culture and climate leading to better productivity and performance.
BOOKS: 1. Aswathappa, K., Human resource and Personnel management, TATA McGraw- HILL.
2. Arun monappa and Saiyadain, Mirza S., Personnel management, TATA McGraw- HILL.
3. C.R. Kothari; Research Methodology; New Age International publications.
4. Flippo, Edwin B., Personnel management, McGRAW-HILL International Publications.
5. S.P.Gupta, Statistical methods
Journal of Management, 22(3), 359-385.
WEB SITE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ANNEXURE 1 QUESTIONNAIRE Dear respondent, The questionnaire below has been designed to study the EFFECTIVENESS OF GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL PROCEDURE ON JOB SATISFACTION. Kindly fill in the required information which would be used for purely academic purpose and would help me in completion of my study. Personal Information:
Name (optional): Age: a. 20-35 years [ ] b. 36-50 years [ ] c. Above 50 years [ ] Educational qualification: a. High School [ ] b. Intermediate [ ] c. Graduate [ ] d. Post graduate [ ] Department: Designation: Experience: Annual Income:
1) Are you aware of the various committees that redress the grievance? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
2) Are you aware of the members of the various committees? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] 3) Are you aware of the weekly/monthly meetings of the various committees which are being held? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
4) Which procedure do you normally follow in filing your complaint? a) Formal method [ ] b) Informal method [ ] c) ESS(employee self – service) system [ ]
5) In case the grievance has to be immediately redressed through informal procedure to whom do you communicate? a) HRD [ ] b) HOD [ ] c) Supervisor [ ] d) Trade union [ ] e) If others, please specify ( ) 6) Your grievances are mainly related to which of the following area? a) Management policy b) Supervision c) Individual advancement d) Working condition e) Violation f) If others, please specify ( )
7) Has the mechanism being followed resolves your grievance? i. Formal Procedure: a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] ii. Informal Procedure: a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] iii. ESS: a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
(Employee self-service) 8) How much time is taken in resolving your grievance through three procedures? i. Formal procedure: a) within one day [ ] b) 1 – 15 days [ ] c) 15 – 30 days [ ] ii. Informal procedure: a) within one day [ ] b) 1 – 15 days [ ] c) 15 – 30 days [ ] iii. ESS: a) within one day [ ] b) 1 – 15 days [ ] c) 15 – 30 days [ ]
(Employee self-service)
9) How do you feel about the decision given corresponding to your grievance? Is it a) Highly satisfactory [ ] b) Moderately satisfactory [ ] c) No satisfaction [ ]
10) Are you comfortable with the rules and policies of the organization? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
11) What do you think about the functioning of Trade Union? a) Effective [ ] b) Partially effective [ ] c) Not effective [ ]
12) How you rate your relation with your superior, peers and subordinates? a) Good [ ] b) Average [ ] c) Bad [ ]
13) Are you satisfied with your present job? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
If not, your reason for dissatisfaction ______________________________
14) What is your opinion about remedial measures? a) Routine meeting with regard to grievance [ ] b) Proper counseling [ ] c) Settlement of grievance should be prompt [ ]
15) How you rate the various welfare facilities being provided by the organization? a) Canteen: a) Good [ ] b) Fair [ ] c) Poor [ ] b) Transportation: a) Good [ ] b) Fair [ ] c) Poor [ ] c) Medical: a) Good [ ] b) Fair [ ] c) Poor [ ] d) Uniform: a) Good [ ] b) Fair [ ] c) Poor [ ] e) Other allowances: a) Good [ ] b) Fair [ ] c) Poor [ ]
16) Is the real basis of your problem identified? a) Strongly agree [ ] b) Agree [ ]
17) Is there any temporary relief provided until proper decision is made so that it does not raise any adverse effects within the organization? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
18) Has the career development program being provided as per your educational qualification? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
19) Are you satisfied with the grievance resolving procedure of the company? a) Highly satisfied [ ] b) Satisfied [ ] c) Neutral [ ]
Date: ----------------------
To: ---------------- (Name) Dept.: --------------------
From: -------------- (Name) Dept.: ---------------------
Nature of Grievance / Complaint:
* (Select where applicable)
In accordance with Article -------------- of the Company Handbook on HR Policy & Procedures*
OR In accordance with Clause-------------- of the Collective Agreement*, I would like to request a meeting with you on------------ (Time), --------------- (Date) at your office. In accordance with the above-mentioned Article/Clause*, I shall have the right to appeal to the higher authority should I fail to hear from you by--------------- (Date).
Reason(s) for raising this grievance/complaint (tick where applicable):
* Received no response within the Time-Lag by -------------- (Name)
* Grievance was not addressed to my satisfaction by--------------- (Name)
* Any other reasons (Please state)---------------------------------