Within this essay I will reflect upon a specific issue of group dynamics that was experienced during a group exercise. Gibbs (1988) reflective model (Jasper, 2003. p.77) will be used to reflect upon the issue effectively and to set out the structure of reflection. Confidentiality and the GSCC code of practice will be kept to and maintained throughout this essay. The names of the people within the issues explained will be made up due to confidentiality.
Group dynamics is that field which studies the behaviour of individuals in small groups, such as decision making groups, T-groups, friendships, work groups and so forth. (Hoggs & Abrams ,1990 p.95)
After getting into groups of around six, a trigger was given in which we had to look at the psycho social aspects around that trigger. With the information collected and researched a presentation was made in which we would present our …show more content…
If at the beginning we had set roles within the group and had set deadlines in which the group had to do the work by then the group dynamics could have worked out very different. Although Mary did not turn up or participate as much I feel the whole group needs to take responsibility as we could have pushed it more in a sense of getting the work from her or helping her to create her slides if she was struggling. Instead we pushed her away as we were getting bothered by her lack of interest and did not really give her a chance by going to talk to her about this. At the end of the event I feel we should have met up again for the last time to discuss what went well and what did not by reflecting on the experience. (Redmond, 2006) This would have been good in order to see other people’s thoughts on the end result as well as Mary’s feelings about the group continuing without