Title: GSM Based Notice Board
Now a days every advertisement is going to be digital. The big shops and shopping centers are using the digital moving displays now. In Railway station and bus stands everything that is ticket information, platform number etc is displaying in digital moving display. But in these displays if they wants to change the message or style they have to go there and connect the display to PC or laptop.
Suppose the same message if the person wants to display in main centers of the cities means he have to go there with laptop and change the message by connecting into PC.This project we can use mainly for police or army .I.e. displays will be connected to all the main centers in city if they wants to display messages about something crucial within 5 minute, they can’t.
So keeping in this mind we are designing a new display system which can access remotely, we are using the GSM technology to access the display’s is one of the new technology in the embedded field to make the communication between microcontroller and mobile.
This project is a remote notice board with MODEM connected to it, so if the user wants to display some messages, he will send the messages in SMS format the MODEM in the display system will receive the message and update the display according to the message. For every message received from the user mobile, the system will check for the password and if the password is correct the controller will display the message.
PROJECT CYCLE 1. Specification of the Project. 2. PCB Layout. 3. Device Test. 4. Code Implementation. 5. Program Test. 6. Pilot Run. 7. Documentation.
SOFTWARES USED: ❖ Embedded C. ❖ Keil uVision ❖ ATMEL Programmer
Power supply: The microcontroller and other devices get power supply