Guns should be allowed anywhere if weed is not allowed and people can still get it or other drugs. I don't believe it's right if cops can have them and shoot blacks for
drinking water or having a toy gun. It also is not fair because innocent people get shot every other day by bad cops or just any for stuff and the thing is without shooting them once they shoot them like 2 to 15 times so now if the cops can use them for harm why can we not be trusted to protect yourself from these things happening to us.
Everyone should be able to have a firearm for safety like what happen if a thief come in at night and you the only one up at three in the morning ,and you have kids or brothers in the house you will be able to defend the house and maybe save someone life. I always believe like if you want go to range to shoot or to hunt there shooting be a problem having fun you only live once. Having a firearm can save you from getting kidnapped or anything worse. Having a firearm people that might try a shooting spree would get shot faster and save lives.
Why should we want a firearm ? what happens if somebody fighting or got a knife to your back if you have a gun you will be able to save yourself. I think we should all have guns for like if we ever got attacked by a different country for just going to the store at night. I also believe because what happen if a school is known for bad things and people getting suspended a lot or gang members in the school. It would good for a teacher to have a gun if needed so they can keep the class safe and there self. What if you was at the movies and someone crazy try to kill people you will be to shoot without being seen and safe everyone .
I believe if you have a gun it make everything much better . I think if you have a gun and got a holster and everybody can see it nobody would try rob you or mess with you. I always think like if a drunk person see you and try to talk and see you have a gun they going walkaway.
To finish this out i'm going tell you everyone should be treated equally like the freedom of rights say we should be all treated equal. I also believe that like it say everyone should have the right to bear arm and be safe if the cops can have any gun and have one in there car or if the president can have bodyguards on roofs and with them for their safety why can't we be safe to. I hope this made you turn you mind and at least think about the reason good people should be able to have guns.