With these factors, injured athletes should not be pressured to reduce their time "sitting" out, instead, let time to sanction their brains to fully rejuvenate. Winning can be the determining factor for scholarships, self-veneration, and titles, but wins aren't worth the long-lasting effects of head injuries. The brain is an astonishing organ capable of great things and …show more content…
it is our job not only to preserve it but to care for it. In continuation, head injuries or more concretely, concussions, can make those affected in the past more prone to receive one again and give out long-term cumulative effects.
For example, article two states, "Long term effects of concussion range from behavioral changes to mood disturbances to cognitive difficulties." In further explication, behavior changes can make the sufferer not act in their mundane way. Similarly, mood disturbances might cause trouble and arouse other factors that can cause the athlete to lash out. The cognitive skills that can become affected according to article two were "...attention and judgement..." Attention and judgment, our primary skills that mold us into human beings. Attention and judgment is what disunites us from the beasts and animals; letting this cognitive adeptness become damaged by not following the allotted time for rejuvenation brings us one step more proximate to the Archaic Age. In the same light, article 3 verbally expresses that, "...after a concussion, there is a period in which the brain is particularly vulnerable to further injury." Correspondingly, not giving time to let the brain rejuvenate to its full capacity, can gestate a second concussion to occur in a higher fashion that has a much higher chance of causing sempiternal brain injury or even death. A seemingly small "ding" can become earnest and in rare occurrences, death. In summary, not only will a longer rejuvenating/rest period benefit the athlete but it could very …show more content…
well protect their future and even preserve their lives. Moreover, as shown above, head injuries can affect the athlete's cognitive and mental status but it could withal affect their physical status.
As an example, article three states short term effects would include, "(headaches, change in sleep patterns, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, loss of consciousness, depression, mood swings, memory loss, loss of concentration, and slow reaction time.)" Given these points, it's just more reason to not let athletes return to the field the same day they suffer a head injury and follow the medical advice given to let the body heal itself. Article three voices another point that "...the short and long-term effects of each repeated concussion become more severe." Not only do athletes get the horrendous signs and symptoms, but not receiving a full recovery can make them worsen. Comparatively, "Long-term concussive effects (long-term memory loss, emotional distress, depression, slowing of some types of movements, and increased possibility of suicide) may last a few months to many years. (Article three). The brain damage distorts their perspective, capability of comprehension, and makes them emotionally unstable to the point of contemplation of suicide. The occurrences of concussions occur "in high school athletes is higher than in older athletes," in accordance with article one. All things considered, coaches are inclined to let the youth with immature brains damage themselves and alter their state of
mind. In summary, head injuries shouldn't have to be linked to permanent brain damage to justify that there needs be a longer time for the brain to heal. When an athlete is injured with a head injury it should be taken with solemnness and utmost precaution. Head injuries were proven to relapse and cause long-lasting, devastating effects. In addition to that, concussions in general can affect the physicality and athlete's mental status and cognitive function. Gigantic, competitive schools need to reevaluate their stand on the treatment of injured athletes. Looking to the future, schools that exploit injured athletes need to swallow up their pride and realize that the athletes need more time to sit out. Albeit head injuries will never stop occurring there needs to be rigorous supervision on the ethical treatments of injured athletes.