Throughout my life I have struggled to maintain a healthy body weight, stick to any type of workout regimen, or eat a healthy balanced diet. As a result I was an overweight child, adolescent, and young adult. I suffered from low self-esteem, a poor body image, and I lacked confidence and motivation to make change. I became very ill and required hospitalization due to dehydration and lost a total of fifteen pounds because of it. I decided now was as good as time as any to make a long overdue lifestyle change, and thus my attitude and my confidence did too! My commitment to working out on a daily basis has significantly tapered off since last fall when I returned to school. In order to find more hours in my day to accommodate my additional requirements for homework and classes it only made since that I cut the extra hours from my workout time and use them for school. I have yet to find a way to incorporate a workout routine back into my life. My sleep schedule has also become quite irregular and lacking the recommended seven to eight hours nightly. As for my diet, I have kept my commitment for consuming foods low in fat and calories. Convenience plays a large role in my food choices and therefore my diet is far from being well balanced and often fails to include the recommended servings from each of the food groups. My weight has decreased approximately five to seven pounds since returning to school and therefore I failed to notice any side effects from my college student lifestyle up until now. Looking back on the past year there has been a significant decline in my energy level, immune system, moods, and pre-existing medical conditions. Based on the information provided from the food diary, I have determined that my diet is a strong contributor to the decline of my health. This exercise taught me that body weight does not equal healthiness. Throughout my life I have struggled with keeping the weight
Bibliography: Klamer, H. (2011, January 12). What Are Functions of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Water, Vitamins and Minerals? Retrieved from Livestrong: My pyramid tracker. (n.d.). Retrieved from United States Department of Agriculture: