Here I have three ways to share with you, let’s move on to our first way that is put some music when you woke up in the morning. It can bring calmness to your self not only that it also can help your brain focus more to the job that your are doing. Research has shown that hearing to music can help being more concentration and give more alert thinking. By listening to music in the morning can helps to reduce ones heart attack rate and keeping our blood pressure under control. When your mind is full of many task that need to do listen to music for a moment in the morning can help bring your mind to a positive state, by this you can easily finish your job with ease throughout the day.
Having a good and balance breakfast is also one of the ways. Breakfast is known as the most important meal of the day, so it is a compulsory for us to have a good and balance breakfast. With a Balance breakfast it can give balance your blood sugar that you need to handle physical and mental stress throughout the day. Research had shown that with a good and balance breakfast it can give us better concentration, can memorized better and our problem solving skills will increase. Some people like to skip this important meal, the effect skipping this meal will cause our metabolism to become sluggish and can cause