08-14-12 Total Hrs rendered: 300hrs
Time: (In)9:00am-(Out)3:00pm
Hello my OJT diary! It is my first entry for my first internship week so let me introduce to you first the basic information pertaining to my work. I had my training at STI College fairview with my assigned beats: Office of the Registrar. With the company’s instruction, I am guided by my trainer, Mrs. Sheila Llesol, STI College Fairview’s Head registrar. Under her supervision, I have my co-trainee and her name is Christian. We will go with Ms. Brago Mondays to Fridays schedule. At first, I was nervous and all and it’s hard for me to wake up too early and ride all alone to office and specially riding a Jeepney in the “Rush Hours” but as time goes by my body is now used to my daily routine.
On the first day, Ma’am Sheila asked us to Put datas in the students jacket at the records office. As we go on day by day we observed what particular works have to be done daily. She assigned Maam. Pia, one of the employees to assist or train us. Maam Pia was a type of a shy type woman. She’s nice and she teaches us well.
Task are just repeatedly happened everyday so it wouldn't be a long journal. Until Christmas season come. I had task to do the Inventory list of the coursewares in the old registrar's office and to transfer it to the next room. It’s quite hard too and confusing at first. So i need to ask them many times before doing to avoid errors. Gladly, i did it well.
On the registrar office, we learned that the records and datas that we hold are confidential. You can't open or read any data that you want. You can't say it to other people and etc. And because of that our work is limited to only input or listing data.
The last weeks of my internship on the registrar's office become more exciting as I get to work with some school projects and actually done a very important project. Such as editing the contents and design of the booklet used for the Job fair.