I haven’t been involved with ME to WE but I have been included in other community/school events. I went to the ‘YRDSB OUR VOICE: THE WAY FORWARD’ conference. This conference was very beneficial because it was a student-lead conference. It allowed us, students to use our voice and speak up. At the conference, I realized how important it is to use your voice in a positive way to help people. You don’t only need to use your voice; you can get your message out in any way, media, arts or verbally. I learned that student voice is important because, we are the ones who are the future to making our world a better place. When I went back to school, after the conference, I had a tiny activity planned with my class about bullying and speaking up. With my teacher’s permission, I explained the activity to my class and they did the activity. Even though there were 2 months left of school, I could see that my classmates were starting to speak up. Even though I only had an impact on my class, it’s better than nothing.…