Somer: sb. Summer. M. nom sg seson: sb. Season.
Sonne: sb. Son. Dat nominal
Heremite: sb. hermit. Dat nominal
Workes: sb. work. Gen sg/ nom/gen/dat/acc pl
World: sb. world
Wondres: sb. wonders. Gen sg/ nom/gen/dat/acc pl
May: sb. The month of May
Maluerne: sb. marvel. Dat nominal
Banke: sb. bank. Dat nominal
Wateres: sb. water. Gen sg/ nom/gen/dat/acc pl
Wildernesse: sb. Wilderness
Toure: sb. tower. Dat nominal
Dongeon: sb. The highest tower of a castle
Dyches: sb. Ditch. Gen sg/ nom/gen/dat/acc pl
Maner: sb. Manor
Men: sb. Men
Wordle: sb. World. Dat nominal
Glotonye: sb. Gluttony
Contenaunce: sb. Countenaunce
Clothing: sb. Clothing
Prayers: sb. Prayer
Penance: sb. Penance. Dat nominal
Loue: sb. Love. Dat nominal
Lorde: sb. Lord. Dat nominal
Hope: sb. Hope. Dat nominal
Selles: sb. Cell. Gen sg/ nom/gen/dat/acc pl
Contre: sb. Country
Lykam: sb. Body
Enuye: sb. Envy. Nom/dat/acc sg
Schrifte: sb. Confession
Palsye: sb. Paralysis. Nom/dat/acc sg
Frères: sb. Friar. Gen sg/ nom/gen/dat/acc pl
Frokke: sb. Frock. Nom/dat/acc sg
Body: sb. Body
Wratthe: sb. Anger. Nom/dat/acc sg
Werkes: sb. work. Gen sg/ nom/gen/dat/acc pl
Wordes: sb. word. Gen sg/ nom/gen/dat/acc pl
Tyme: sb. Time. Nom/dat/acc sg
Addres: sb. snake. Gen sg/ nom/gen/dat/acc pl
Tonge: sb. Tongue. Nom/dat/acc sg
Bakbitynge: sb. Calumny. Nom/dat/acc sg
Witnesse: sb. Testimony. Nom/dat/acc sg
Curteisye: sb. Courtesy. Nom/dat/acc sg
Yshryue: sb. Confession. Nom/dat/acc sg
Scherewe: sb. Miserable. Nom/dat/acc sg
Chese: sb. Cheese. Nom/dat/acc sg
Neighbore: sb. Neighbor. Nom/dat/acc sg
Lordes: sb. Lord. Gen sg/ nom/gen/dat/acc pl
Siluer: sb. Silver
Lyf: sb. Life
Mete: sb. Encounter. Nom/dat/acc sg
Frende: sb. Friend. Nom/dat/acc sg
Wille: sb. Will. Nom/dat/acc sg
Kirke: sb. Church. Nom/dat/acc sg
Knele: sb. Knees. Nom/dat/acc sg
Poeple: sb. people. Nom/dat/acc sg
Prest: sb priest
Pilgrims: sb. Pilgrim
Palmers: sb. Palm