Section 1—Poverty
Disparity / discrepancy between rich and poor Gini coefficient - Range from 0 to 1 0 = income distribution is absolute equal 1 = income distribution is absolute unequal
Challenges faced by poor people Employment - usually contract staff, low income, lack labour protection Support - limited support channels from government Living standard - X fulfill basic needs (eg. healthcare service) Intergenerational poverty Relationship no family time marital / familial conflicts
Disadvantaged groups Men vs. Women - do housework + child care HK citizens vs. New arrivals less assistance from government discrimination (reduces HK citizens’ job opportunities)
CSSA: Comprehensive Social Security Assistance HK government—positive non-interventionist approach (積極不干預政策) A regulator rather than a provider of welfare programmes Free market / trade policy Minimal government intervention Low taxation system
Liberal Studies F4 Second term—Hong Kong Today Section 2—Quality of Life Measuring QoL Dimensions—economic; social; political; cultural; environmental Objective indicators (statistical data) - Income; wealth gap - Social welfare; life expectancy - Electoral system; voter turnout rate - Variety of cultural activities; museums; libraries - Living space; air pollution index Subjective indicators (people’s feelings) Satisfaction with economy / income Satisfaction with public health, freedom of speech, welfare Satisfaction with government’s performance Perceived human rights enjoyed Satisfaction with cultural environment, diversity Satisfaction with living / natural environment
Obstacles to better QoL in HK HK has a pervasive culture of long working hours Stay until boss leaves Not much emphasis on