
House On Mango Street Monologue

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House On Mango Street Monologue
I nearly threw up, but I managed to hold it in.
I shouldn't have drunk so much at the party. I shouldn't have, but I just couldn't control myself.
I mean, what asshole you need to be to invite someone to the party where they barely know a soul and then leave them at the entrance, because some chick called them for a "talk"...

It will be fun, he said. It will be unforgettable, he said. Yeah, maybe for you.

Anyway, I need to get to the bus stop as soon as possible,
I have a test tomorrow and I don't want to miss it when I studied so much for it.

Let's see, 00:04 huh ?
I have around 30 minutes before the last bus.


The bus stop should be around here somewhere, right ?

..... right ?

O.MY.GOD. Don't tell me that I just got lost, please...
Ugh, I should have
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[Ouch... AAAAAH !!!]

I did it with all my strength, but I still didn't wake up...
What's more, my cheeks are so painful on fire, what's going on here ?!
I shouldn't feel any pain in a dream, at least not this realistically...

[err, excuse me ?]

Suddenly, the mysterious voice responded and it didn't sound cold and monotone as before.
It catched me completely off guard, and I reflexively replied with [Yes ?]


[The answer [Yes] has been selected]

[Changing profile race from Race:Human to Race:World Isopoda]

Wait,wait,waitwaitwait a damn second !!!
Now you heard me bitch! Even your voice recognition software is malfunctioning !
Aaaaah, I feel so sleepy, I want to just go to sleep !!!
Wait, what... What am I even saying ?

[Change complete]

[Starting the "Resurrection" system]

Stop, I can't... I can't think straight... sooo sleepy...

[System successfully started]

[Transferring profile data to the Race:World Isopoda egg]

Is this... What I think it is ? Reincarnation ? But that would mean...

[Data transfer...[50%]]



I remembered now. While I was walking toward the bus stop...

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