This word corruption is something disreputable which we always come across in our day to day life whether it reveals in politics or is seen in our regular jobs.Corruption exists in almost all the countries of the world. The rich and powerful people are the real beneficiaries of corruption and they are never part of movement to eradicate the corruption. All of them need to be made center of attraction before the society and media for their act of corruption.
The question is that, we always come across this word, but is there any way out we can get rid of these termites which are eating up a country’s future and making it unhealthy ?.We need to be helpful to the weaker section of the society who are the real victims of corruption.
Do we really think that only going against the politicians and passing bills by the parliamentary committee of a democratic country or electing a correct ruler/ leader would lead its country and remove corruption from its root permanently?.
As per my view, only electing a good leader/ruler would not remove corruption as a whole from its root because they can show us the right path and in a big country which have its own huge and special problems, we cannot expect from the leaders heading the reach every individual and keep a watch on the measures taken to remove the termite called‘ Corruption' from its Country, City, State or the World. But it is agreed by all that politicians and greedy business tycoons are the backbone of corruption world over. .A country and its responsibilities do not only fall on the shoulders of the political leaders of that country because the country not only belongs to them but it is also a responsibility of all of us. We should not only blame one person or a body of people but should understand that if the corruption has become a part of higher level and a country is getting effected – its present future, everything is in danger, then they are not solely