But communism started expanding and NATO was created because of it. NATO created allies between America and other countries. If there was ever an attack to on the U.S, the other countries would jump in and help them.
When the men were returning from war, the GI Bill of Rights was passed. It provided veterans with government loans, and money to attend college. Most men returned to work, now that they were back employment rate was high. After being away from home, the vets wanted to settle down and have a family. The vets started their families creating a baby boom. Although the baby boom could be seen as a bad thing, it had a positive effect on the economy. It created a demand for baby clothes, food, daycares, and even bigger houses were needed for the growing families. The suburbs started filling up with families, everyone was looking for a big house to live in. This is when the era of consumerism began. There were new innovations coming out, and people were willing to buy them even if they weren’t needed. Everyone needed to