First off, we burned a lot of fossil fuels in the 19th century during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution created great new technology to help make our lives easier. However, this did not come at no cost to our earth. Because of the new machines, we had to find ways to run them. So, we used various fossil fuels. Fossil fuels include things like coal or gas, and we call the burning of fossil fuels greenhouse gases. This increased the amount of heat trapping gases like CO2 in our atmosphere. These greenhouse gases have led to increases temperatures on Earth. We continue to burn these fossil fuels today in factories and our cars. So, lets talk about the invention of the car. …show more content…
Secondly, the introduction of cars to our world created more issues for global warming.
Cars have run on gas since they were created. The invention of cars was a great idea for a way to get around even faster, but since they were produced they have substantially contributed to global warming. Not just the cars themselves have done their part though. With the need for cars, comes the need for many different parts. More factories are around to created tires, glass, steel, and many other things. We know now that cars, along with other forms of transportation, are responsible for about 15% of carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide continues to pollute our air. Cars were a wonderful invention and hopefully soon we will see many more electric cars on the road. However, atomic bombs are most likely here to
Finally, the creation of atomic bomb has created major causes in climate change. The use of atomic bomb is not only devastating to the lives of those effected, but it also harms our earth. When an atomic bomb is used on a city, or anywhere, and explosion happens and a fire starts. The smoke from these fires goes into the stratosphere where it can't be reduced or eliminated. This causes many different effects. The black soot blocks sunlight and as a result temperatures decrease for several years. It also increases the amount of rainfall. With very cold temperatures and a lot of rain, it shortens growing seasons by as much as a month. These bombs have such a negative effect throughout many different aspects of life and really aren't necessary. In addition to these three topics, there are many other contributing factors to global warming.
Even though these are only a few causes of climate change, these were major events in America's past. The Industrial revolution created many beneficial machines to everyone. Cars introduced a great new method of transportation. Finally, the atomic bomb introduced a whole new way of war. However, all of these things had a negative effect on our climate and earth. Hopefully, in the future we can find better ways to keep our earth safe.