
How Did Truman Win The War

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How Did Truman Win The War
My thought on what was the best strategy of who could have won the war is Truman's because Mac off Arthur became so Power happy that he didn't care who he took out he just wanted to have a victory. Truman wanted it to be a silent war and Mac Arthur wanted it to be a huge war that came with a victory to no end no matter the cost. Truman wanted to Rebuff aggression in Korea and that was his only goal in the war, he didn't even want it to be a war he just wanted it to be a small battle and nothing would really come out of it- devastation wise. His only fear was that there would be a huge war and it would put them in World War II and there would be much devastation. Truman told Mac Arthur that he only wanted a silent war and they he was to follow

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