
How Does Our Rights Change The Government

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How Does Our Rights Change The Government
By the way things have happened, we think it is okay to split apart from England who have been attached to. God is okay with us doing so.

By finding this land we think we have our own rights. All men are equal, god has given us our own rights, and the rights you have should not be taken away from you. We believe in life, liberty, and the right to pursue our happiness. We get to keep and use these laws of our own to keep our rights, and the government can not do anything against it.

We as the people can change the government if they fail on giving us our rights. We can do so, so everyone is happy.

Changing the government is very serious. You can do so even if it has been that way for a long time, but only if it is right. It is our responsibility to make sure the government doesn’t take over and control us. We as the people are in complete control.
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We think it is time we do our own thing and control what we do.

The king has ignored our laws, we need. He has taken control of our entire country. He will not let people in charge do what they are supposed to. He has made his own laws and we have to obey by them. He is making us pay taxes to him, which do not better us. We have to house his people (soldiers). He has also stopped us from trading with people. This is unacceptable. He has killed our people, taken our boats, and burned our towns. He is forcing us to go to war, because this is mad. We cannot continue to live this way. He is turning others against the colonists.

We have tried countless amount of times to tell the king how we feel, for only it to become worse than before. We are tired of waiting, and we are only getting madder than before. This has to come to an

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