I was not allowed to drive, sleep in my own room, or have privacy altogether. I was depressed and morose by being limited in my life; I absolutely hated it. Although in my time of being bored I would think to myself, and I noticed that I missed football and school and instantaneously I regretted how I was living my life. Once I got back to school I started doing my homework and pushing myself in football untill I couldn't anymore. After all of that life started getting better and all my friends and family remarked that I was getting happier about
I was not allowed to drive, sleep in my own room, or have privacy altogether. I was depressed and morose by being limited in my life; I absolutely hated it. Although in my time of being bored I would think to myself, and I noticed that I missed football and school and instantaneously I regretted how I was living my life. Once I got back to school I started doing my homework and pushing myself in football untill I couldn't anymore. After all of that life started getting better and all my friends and family remarked that I was getting happier about