All through my years at high School, my teachers forced me to learn all different types of math with the simple explanation that I would need it in the future for work. Every good job requires some form of math. Math can keep you ahead of the game. Doing basic essentials is dependent on your knowledge of math. My future job is to become a Respiratory Therapist. Math is definitely a part of this career field. It plays a big role with helping the therapist to evaluate the patients. Therapist need math to help with measuring the capacity of the lungs and flow of their patients oxygen. In the world of math there are endless possibilities for careers. As I said before math is a major part of everyday life.
Math is something that just seems to come naturally. Life without math is like a car without wheels, pointless! You won’t get to far in life. I truly believe mathematics is necessary for our everyday life. It seems to me you can’t go around it. Math has always been one of my favorite subjects in school; simply because it is the same in every foreign language. I like