Learners Background …show more content…
Like most people born and raised in México, Martinez’s family: his father, brother, sister and himself all grew up speaking Spanish. Although Martinez is not married nor does he have any children, he wishes to know a sufficient amount of English so that one day he’ll be able to teach his future children. My student appreciates that he has this opportunity to pursue his education in learning a second language, since most don’t have an opportunity to even pursue a higher education in México.
Learners Motivation Martinez has expressed how important it is for him to be able to communicate with his friends in English but it is primarily for his career as a future lawyer. Therefore, he is an extrinsically motivated person. He believes he will have a higher chance of promotion once the L2 (second language) is learned (ITTO, 2016). He is interested in improving his grammar, speaking, writing, reading and overall learning new vocabulary words on a daily basis.