To become a good student, you need to get motivated! Motivation can come from seeing the situation of many poor children around the world who are not lucky enough to get a proper education. This is a good thing to keep in mind when
Therefore, it makes a difference for a teacher to love what he/she do. Students can always tell if a teacher is passionate about his/her work. This also holds a key for student’s motivation. 4. Knowledgeable – It is very important for a teacher to master the subject, for a teacher cannot teach on a subject he/she does not understand. A knowledgeable instructor can act as an accessor to give feedback and correction. 5. Interactive – A good teacher should be able to create a teaching environment where all students are able to participate equally. The previous mentioned qualities are all important that a good teacher should have; however, “passion” stand above all the rest. Passion is the key for one to improve him/herself and to enjoy the environment. It is difficult to make someone to want education, but it is a teacher’s responsibility to motivate his/her student to work hard and to improve. Without passion one will not be able to create a suitable…
|4 |Learning |Students must be able to take in what is taught to them and apply it to real life situations. They need to be able to actively build their knowledge of the subject and |…
Read Lake and von Baeyer 's article, “Tips for Successful Students." Also, review the characteristics of a successful student as explained in the lecture.…
Read Lake and von Baeyer's article, “Tips for Successful Students." Also, review the characteristics of a successful student as explained in the lecture.…
Having good study skills gives students the ability to have self-awareness, being able to reflect and self-evaluate on specific subjects and know what needs to be improved, as well as identifying any weaknesses. (Cotterll, 2008, pg40) In addition sub skills such as developing personal qualities which are transferable from life to academic studies are just as important and include awareness, commitment, determination, self-motivation and positive thinking.…
1. Class contribution. This is essential. Full participation is expected. Come to class regularly, don’t miss without a good reason (communicated to me), and contribute to the discussion, to your classmates’ learning, and to the making of a successful course. Attendance is vital; missing class for interviews or other unexcused reasons will have grading consequences. But good attendance is just a baseline; real class contribution involves full, constructive…
This quality contains six very important characteristics of a student: respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship. In my workplace i stride to give all of these six qualities and more to become an excellent employee to the company. I am very respectful to any rude or unhappy guests. I obtain a handful of responsibilities like making sure my grandmother took her medication and if she had something for dinner. On top of that i need to be aware of my vehicle's condition at all times. I manage to maintain my grades at high 90’s, go to work on weekends, and stay after school for my extra-curricular activities. Being trustworthy and fair have never been a problem i have encountered.…
Motivation; Motivation does not only apply to the student taking into consideration individually, because them having motivation individually allows them to progress enthusiastically through their education, by having these specific motivational goals it can allow each individual to think ahead of what they are already doing, for example…
To become in general a successful student in life, we all need to learn to become a good student in every aspect of life. Becoming a good student is not an easy task if you already have other obligations to fulfill in life such as family, work. To be a good student it takes a great deal of hard work, time and self discipline. Any student who possesses these strong characteristics will often time stand out from the rest of their classmates. In order to become a successful student, my strongest characteristics are self motivation, positive self esteem, commitment and good study habits.…
Successful students exhibit a combination of successful attitudes and behaviors as well as intellectual capacity. Successful students . . .…
Social health is the ability to interact in a social and live in social setting. When you are socially healthy you are able to deal with how to relate and deal with everyday challenges. Being able to socialize with other people and form healthy relationships is your first to a socially health. It has become really important because it can help you overcome sickness and other health concerns that put you a risk if you are not socially healthy. When you are happy on the inside there is a joy that shows on the outside.…
2. Assertive – A successful college student must be able to assert themselves by asking questions and also by bringing up valid points in discussion. This will allow the professor to get to know the student and eventually might lead to a good letter of recommendation if the…
best quality of education and the classroom thrives. Another skill of an outstanding educator is the ability to create a positive rapport…
Being a great student and making good grades has always been one of my main interest. In first grade, I had an absolute break down due to seeing red marks on one of my assignments. In that moment, I knew i wanted to work my hardest towards success. Perfection is the most ideal; however, I had to learn that no one can be perfect all of the time.…
Most students need to strengthen these specific areas to increase their chance for success in school. These qualities can improve a classroom climate and increase a student's’ chance for success in school.…