Institute of Computing
Bo. Obrero, Davao City, Philippines
How Should You Choose Your Friends?
Joan Gabriel N. Garcia
English 3: Speech and Oral Communication
First Semester S.Y: 2013-2014
July 15, 2013
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According to LaFamille 2010, when you say the word 'friends ', it feels like it should be forever. It does not always happen this way. Especially, when we choose our friends haphazardly, based on only feelings alone. Everyone wants a friend who makes them feel good about themselves. We do not choose friends based on much else. It is important; however, to have standards for friendships. Just as you would have standards for a love relationship. Whether for love or friendship, let 's talk about getting to know the person that will always be there... you! To begin with, what word comes in your mind when you describe or hear the word “friend”? For me, I’d say ‘crazy’, ‘deviant’, ‘love’, 'stupid ' in a positive way and ‘crazy’ again. Today, I 'm going to tell you on how you should choose your friends. You may agree or disagree with me but please, don 't judge me.
As humans are social creatures by nature; we 're always in need of friends and companions. Most of our lives depend on interaction with others. Strong individuals are the core of a strong community, something that all of us should always strive for. Friends are mostly your companion all through your life. So when you say companion, it means you have him or her right there beside you always, through thick and thin, thru good times and bad times. For me, some characters that I personally recommend are those who has the ability to understand and mingle with me in times when they are called for or not, it may be just for fun or some random scenario that we students usually have in schools or in any other places. Friends that are sophisticated and educated in some ways are helpful in dire needs especially during exams and
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