Carlos Rios How to Manage your Time Effectively
GEN 200
Robert E. Hedicke
How to Manage Your Time
Learning how to manage your time is very important when you are a college student and it’s a very important issue in order to accomplish your main goal which is to graduate in the less time possible. As we all know we all have the same 24 hrs a day,every day but the challenge is first to stop and think how you spend your 24 hrs daily the seven days of the week, then you have to see what thinks you can avoid and stop doing in order to avoide procrastrination and last you have to identify your priorities in order to be an active student and give enough time for homework and study.
Body rhythms and habits affect how each person deals with time. Some people are night owls, while others are best in the mornings. Some people are chronically late, when others finish early and even have time to rest. A difference between your needs and your schedule is a big cause of stress; for example a people that is not a morning person, has dificulties with classes from 8am to 11am.
The first step is to ask this questions: at what time of the day do I have more energy? And at what time of the day I have the less energy? Do I tend to be on time, early, or late? Do I focus well for long streches or need regular breaks? Your answers will help you create a schedule that works best for you. Consider which of your time related habits and preferences will hace a possitive impact on your success at school, and which are likely to cause problems. Make a list of this preferences or even map out an ideal schedule as a way of illustrating them.
Building a schedule will help you gain control of your life in two ways: they provide segments of time for tasks related to the fulfillment of your goals, and they remind your of tasks, events, due dates, responsibilities, and dedlines.
Getting a planner