The results of the questionnaire showed a wide variation, and in some cases a lack of definition of scope of practice and job descriptions for reporting radiographers (Tables 1-5). Which was in contrast to current professional body requirements which require a clearly defined and sepcific role with routinely scheduled sessions under the Agenda for Change and Knowledge and Skills Frameworks8 , the Service of Diagnosis of Illness provided to the employing NHS Trust under Section 3(1) and Section 5(1)(b) of the NHS Act 197728. Furthermore the RCR29 stipulate that any reporting practice involves direct clinical care and should be allocated appropriately defined and scheduled reporting sessions to adequately support service provision.…
All staff can protect themselves from allegations and complains within their everyday practice by following your settings policies and procedures. You should also avoid being alone in a closed room with a child and all staff and children should be marked on a register when they arrival and depart from the building. If a child is being collected late then 2 members of staff should stay with the child until the parent/carer arrives. When an incident or accident occurs then get a witness to sign. If an incident happens before the child enters the setting, write up information in incident book and get parent to sign before they leave. Also within Wyngarth if and incident or accident…
First, is to travel and treat people around the world before I settle down. The other goal is to serve the underprivileged. I have been volunteering at Vidant Health for the past few months, and they focus on treating the underprivileged, sometimes even taking care of their medical bill. I did not quite understand it at first; my father always told me “There is no free lunch.” However, being a volunteer you mostly run blood, urine and feces samples to the lab, but the other side is patient care. Hearing the patients’ stories and spending time with them, I realize they are not just patients but real people with real stories. The medical field is not just about science, but it is mainly about the people we treat. I now firmly believe everyone should have a chance at the best healthcare available to…
NHS provides a great platform for me to give back to the community (from community service) and share/further develop my…
, D1 Make recommendations in relation to identified hazards to minimise the risk to the service user group…
Women are more likely to become ill than men for many reasons. Men are likely to have strong immune systems than women as they tend to put themselves first, whereas a woman has different priorities. Another reason why women may become ill opposed to men is the fact that a lot more women have to work the double day than men. The double day consist of the individual going out to work on a day to day basis and then returning home to start chores. These chores can be anything from looking after the children to cleaning the house. A person who works the double day are more likely to become ill as they are more likely to become stressed or exhausted, both of which can lead to the individual becoming ill at a later stage. Men are seen to have more physical or dangerous jobs than women, which should mean they become ill on a more regular basis. However this is not the case because a lot of men return home from work and then relax, whereas the women go to work and then come home to situations such as sorting the children making sure all the washing and things are complete. This is…
Music and drama: in health and social care we have various individuals who have various needs in terms of providing services for them. However, service providers use music and drama in order for clients to be able to express themselves. The force of music, particularly singing help dementia clients to be able to communicate because they use it as a point expressing themselves. For example, in Stone End Day Centre where I did my placement, the staff used music and drama to be able to communicate with clients who have dementia. This has helped them to be able to communicate with the clients because the clients can easily express themselves by using music and drama. In addition to this, music and drama is used in the context of either 1-1 or group. The 1-1 could be between a staff and a client or the group will be between some staff and some group of clients who are particularly suffering from dementia. In the day centre where I did my placement, the staff used music and drama for a particular group of individuals who have dementia or who cannot express their self through speaking words. The staff used music and drama so that those group of clients can communicate and express themselves. However, in the event that a particular client have severe dementia the staff will…
The definition of high quality care has now become enshrined in the Health and Social Care Act 2012 requiring the presence of 3 equally important pillars:…
I believe I worked on your floor last semester because I recall such a change being discussed. I did not realize the hospital is interested in changing vital signs time for the entire hospital! I can see how moving the time to 0600 would delay the night PCTs from finishing their work and the day nurses from starting their shift. Collecting vitals and blood sugars while managing meal times and shift change sounds like a time-consuming task. However, I can see this as a potentially effective change since the day nurses would receive the most recent vitals and updates about their patients. I am curious about how long the hospital plans for to test the change on the unit. Perhaps over time the unit would adjust to the change? It appears fortunate…
On this training course I have learnt about the health and safety risks of my work place. (Health and safety manager) taught me the difference between a hazard and a risk also the steps 1-5 on how to identify both then handle them. I learnt how to identify whether it’s a high or low risk and the actions that are required. In this training I got taught and showed how to appropriately use the accident and near miss forms. I also learnt about fire risk and where and how to evacuate myself and service users at the sound of the fire alarm, also who to report to if anybody is left in the building.…
Today was my first day back. Today started out fast pace. I knew that it would though. It seem seems like there is never a break. As soon as I walked in the door, I…
actively engages students in the processes of Health and Social Care to help them develop as effective and independent learners…
There is no exact technique of how to treat a patient in a different way because it's just different origin. But as education and respect for the patient is good to learn from their customs and society, to interpret and to make recommendations respecting their origin and culture.…
My main concentration right now in my life is my career in Human Services. The education that I am receiving at California State University Dominguez Hills has definitely changed the way I think in regards to people in the society and it has also giving me a background of problems I will run into and what I can do to solve it. I have learned that helping people will never be an easy job and that it can be stressful and frustrating. I will always remember to be patient, respectful, genuine, honest, and maintain myself neutral. My goal is to help as many people as I can and make an impact in their life and get them the help they need. I think it’s important to respect and understand other people point of view especially if they are different than yours. I believe that understanding where our clients come from will help us understand them and get them the help they need. I believe in self-determination and helpers should always remember that it’s our clients decisions what they want in life and we can’t force them to change. My goal for next year is to graduate and get my Bachelor degree. My education is important and I take every experience and opportunity to learn and grow into my career.…
Write a reflective account that evaluates your own contribution to the health and safety needs of individuals whom you have worked with in your placements over the last 9 months.…