Enrolment No.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MBA Sem-II Remedial Examination December 2010
Subject code:820004
Date: 21 /12 /2010
Subject Name: Human Resource Management
Time: 10.30 am – 01.00 pm
Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) Define “Human Resource Planning.” Why is HR Planning more common among large 07 organizations than among small ones? (b) What is meant by job Description? Explain the terms ‘Job enlargement’, ‘Job 07 enrichment’ and ‘Dejobbing.’ Q.2 (a) Why it is important to conduct pr-employment background investigation? Outline how 07 would you go for it. (b) Discuss some major mistakes that take place during interview process. If you arel an 07 interviewer, how would you avoid them? OR Marketing Manager of Intelligence Pharmaceutical company identify the performance 07 (b) deficiency in his medical representatives. He came to know the reasons of deficiency are “lack of technical as well as communication skill.” Which training programme will you suggest for the medical representatives? Why? Explain meticulously. Q.3 (a) Define and explain singnificance of Collective Bargaining. Discuss each step involved in process (b) Define “Industrial Relation.” Discuss various aspects and features of Industrial Relations. OR (a) Describe the methods of resolving Industrial Dispute with State Intervention. (b) Discuss general provisions of Strikes and Lockout in accordance with Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Q.4 (a) Discuss (I) Adoption of Conventions & Ratification and (II) Major activities undertaken by International Labour Organization. (b) Explain important provisions of Payment of Wages Act, 1936. OR (a) Explain the objectives of Worker’s Participation in Management and discuss participation through Joint Management Councils. (b) Discuss Safety provision as contained in Factories Act, 1948. Q.5 (a) Enlist various