Judie Bucholz
HRM 510 Business Employment Law
Outline one (1) job interview process, and document the methods that you must use to select the right person for available positions. Determine two (2) employment laws that you must consider in the process in question, and examine the key ramifications of the organization’s lack of enforcement of said laws.
The job interview process I selected is deciding where and how to find qualified applicants. When deciding where and how to find qualified applicants you must ask: What are the recruiting techniques to be used? What is the time frame for conducting you search? And remember advertising is not the only, or necessarily the best way to recruit. The methods I must use to select the right person for the available positions:
First I must understand the company need-job analysis by critically evaluating the company existing resources. How does that measure up to what the company need going forward. Also look at the existing team dynamics- how it works together, who fills what team role and is there anything missing. It might be worth using some psychometric profiling like Myers Brigg or DISC to help in the process both con also be used as part of the selection process to get a “fit”.
Second what you want for the company it isn’t just about what you need for the business but about the type of person you want, or more precisely the type of organization you want to maintain. It is about values and ethos you want your company and the people in your business to promote. It’s also about how you communicate with each other, the level of engagement and involvement , the way customers and suppliers are dealt with, the degree of flexibility and “we’re all in this together” that you need, the image your company portrays and so on.
Third is to write a job description about the following things: definition of what the job entails, the tasks, responsibilities and accountabilities involves.
References: http://tweakyourbiz.com/management/2010/01/26/recruitment-10-key-steps-to-getting-the-right-person-first-time/ http://smallbusiness.findlaw.com/employment-law-and-human-resources/the-interview-process-selecting-the-right-person.html http://definitions.uslegal.com/s/sexual-harassment/ http://www.shrm.org/research/articles/articles/documents/040329quaterly.pdf