The admin module is the central controller of the system where the HR Manager or other appointed personnel perform all system administration tasks. This includes defining organization structure‚ pay scale, maintaining project information and other information that serves as the backbone for the rest of the system. Security issues are taken care of through this module as well by defining user rights and permissions.
* Have an organized company structure by defining company info, locations, organization structure, and company property management. * Organize employee job information by defining Job titles‚ Pay Grades‚ Employment Statuses & EEO Job Categories. * Manage your employees' qualification information (Education, Licenses) to process promotions and salary increments at ease. * Keep a note of your employee's skills (Skills‚ Languages) Know your employees' memberships and membership types, to identify the most appropriate individual for a designation. * Define nationalities & races to make your employee records more specific. * Create User types in the system and define user rights to them, to allow employees to access the system at any time, while preserving the confidentiality of other employee information. * Configure and subscribe for E-mail Notifications to receive updates made to the system concurrently. * Know your customers, monitor your organizations on-going projects and project activities. * Create a localized environment for employees using the system by using Languages & Date Formats.
Personal Information Module
A complete employee information management system which acts as a central employee database. This enables HR administrators to utilize all employee information productively.
* Populate and manage the employee's personal information in a centralized location, thus preventing data loss. * Manage & update your employees contact & travel information