The Glenmuir High School system has played an integral role in the Glenmuir School System. However this expansive library unit has is facing significant challenges as it relates to the borrowing of books by students and the recording of these transactions. The current system in place at the library is a manual recording mechanism. The librarian Miss. Bisasa keeps the records of each student in a recording folder according to their respective classes. Students borrow and return books at break and lunch intervals and sometimes after school. There are many problems associated with this current library system. Students can steal the recording book from the front desk whenever the librarian takes a break. Students can give the wrong information as it pertains to the class they are in because ID’s are not presented when books are borrowed. Books that are borrowed can be easily stolen by students because of the inefficient recording system at the library. Reference books are usually stolen by 6th formers because information is not recorded when they borrow books. These most evident problems that are associated with the library arise because of the inefficient recording system in place and the lack of information technology in the recording process.
Analysis of problem
The Library system at the Glenmuir High School has served the entire school population on a whole. However this very important infrastructure at the school has an expansive range of problems associated with it. The current system in place at the library involves the use of manual information system to carry out the recording process at the library. 24.7% of the school population are members of the library. The process of borrowing books involves the librarian collecting information such as name, form, and books borrowed. If the student is becoming a member the librarian updates the folder.
Bibliography: 1. Daley, Bill. Computers in your future. 9th ed. New York. 2007 2. Ferguson, Allen. Information Systems. 2nd ed. England. 2003 3. Oja, Pearson. Computer Concept. 9th ed. New York. 2007 ----------------------- [pic]