The primary value of the concept is in the reduction of food wastage. As customers are required to order precisely the amount of groceries that they will require, the issue of wasting the excess in pre-packaged foods is reduced. The supply chain is shortened as products go through a less value adding process. Goods are transported from the farm straight to the packaging and distribution centre, and then straight to the consumer. In order to keep operations as environmentally friendly as possible, the conventional plastic bags will be replaced with cooler bags. Furthermore, scraps will be recycled into compost in order to maximise their potential as resources, and to replenish land upon which crops are grown. Value is created for urban mothers, who control more than 70% of global consumer spending, because they are buying only what they need, there is the convenience of home delivery, and their products are fresh and less processed.
The business idea also targets the use of online shopping. The main values that tend to be co created with the target market is that the technology to utilize the business concept is easy to use and the use of payment details has a security setting on it to ensure that personal details are not transferred between individuals. By focusing on these objectives, it will ensure that the business idea will effectively promote urban mums as well as other consumers to reduce the amount of food wastage and achieve a more green environment for the