Immigrants have been around for many years in several countries. However, in the United States, we are starting to really crack down on our illegal aliens. This causes a lot of chaos for everyone involved. Families are creating emergency plans and contacting relatives and friends if a worst-case scenario happens. There are families who keep belongings in large trash bags to quickly grab and go if need be. Fear is high among illegal immigrants in the United States. Because of this, Ice raids have long-term effects on families. Three of the largest areas are education, to health even economic standings. Every child deserves a proper education and under law any child from grades k-12, and college counseling services are allowed to attend, even without proper citizenship, or …show more content…
If a person were to try to become a citizen in another country, there are different rules and regulations than we have in the United States. Take England for example, if one were to try to get a marriage visa, you only get a visa for two and a half years then have to renew it. (Linsey McFadden) There are large fees and the partner who had English citizenship has to be at a certain income level. In the United States, this is not a requirement. One would just need to prove real love, pay the necessary fees and you have citizenship unless the marriage fails. If we were to be stricter with our regulations for our visas and citizenship, it would make getting into our country harder and staying even harder. Families would not have to pack up after years of settling down or have fear of deportation because they wouldn’t be allowed in the first place, ultimately eliminating the issues all together. ICE raids and deportation can come at a huge cost to families from economics to health and even education. Laws need to be better placed like England’s laws to remove the